Module 3 TOC

When assessing pupils' performance, teachers have to remember that their primary tasks are to stimulate pupils' interest in learning and to enhance improvement. Teachers, therefore, have to provide encouraging feedback as far as possible. Apart from the language, teachers should focus on pupils' ability to convey creative ideas and originality in their thoughts. When giving feedback, teachers also have to try to foster positive values and attitudes among pupils.

Here are some examples of how teachers may comment on activities or creative work done by pupils.

"You were great, Peter. Your voice was clear enough and you really looked like a duck in a pond."
"Alice, you did a good job. You sang very well and your pronunciation was clear. You can sing a bit louder next time so your friends at the back can hear you."
"Cherry, you really sounded like a mouse, but you were a bit too timid."
"Yes, the moon does look like a banana in the sky! Well done, Nancy."
"Tom, can you tell me why you coloured the sun blue?"
(Instead of telling Tom that the sun is not blue, he is stimulated to justify his own choice of colour. He may have a good reason.)


Module 3 TOC