Module 5: Changes
Unit: I am Growing Up


Task 3: Growth Profile – When I am a Primary 4 Pupil


Part A: Cleaning up a muddled house



Show pupils a picture of a messy house. Elicit from pupils vocabulary to describe ways to clean up the house (e.g. wipe the table, sweep the floor, hang the clothes, pack the toys). Help them generate more ideas by encouraging them to explore possible combinations of the verbs with relevant nouns.



Introduce the superordinates, ‘tidy up’, ‘clean up’ and ‘prepare meals’ and ask pupils to put the verb phrases into the appropriate categories to form a lexical set on ‘Household Care’ (LT 5.7).


  3. Play a ‘Clean-up Competition’ with the pupils. Give each group a set of picture cards with household products for cleaning or tidying up (e.g. a duster, a mop, a broom). Have pupils make a list of housework that they can do to clean up the house with the help of the household products provided. Encourage pupils to combine the newly learnt verbs with words of furniture (e.g. dust the bookshelves / cupboards).



To expand pupils’ ideas on household care, guide them to enter the new vocabulary items into the appropriate categories of the tree diagram of ‘Household Care’.


  5. Revise the vocabulary of household care with the help of songs and a ‘Board Game’ on ‘Housework’.






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