Using the '5th East Asian Games Hong Kong, China Delegation Commemorative Publication' to Promote School Sporting Culture


Date          : 2009/11/26

Time         :  1345 - 1615

Ven   Venue       :  Auditorium, 3/F., Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Objective  :      

  1. To familiarise participants with the essence of each event, competition system and know-how to appreciate such events.

  2. To explore how to make an effective use of the '5th East Asian Games Hong Kong, China Delegation Commemorative Publication' and other reference materials to help students develop positive values and attitudes, arouse their interest in EAG sports, and to promote a sporting culture in schools.

  3. To brief participants on various issues related to the use of 'East Asian Games Education Tickets', including traffic arrangements, submission of reports and building students' capacity to appreciate EAG competitions.








Launching Ceremony of “The 5th East Asian Games Hong Kong, China Delegation Commemorative Publication” (The Commemorative Publication)

The Hon. Timothy T. T. FOK, GBS, JP

President, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China



Mr CHENG Kam-wing, Bobby

Deputy Director (Leisure Services), Leisure and Cultural Services Department



Dr CHEUNG Kwok-wah

Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development), Education Bureau



Introduction to “The Commemorative Publication”

Mr. Pang Chung, BBS

Hon. Secretary General, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China



The use of the Commemorative Publication to optimize student learning when watching East Asian Games (EAG) Competitions



Mr NG Wai-lik

Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long)


Mr. CHAN Kwok-keung

Canton Road Government Primary School

MS Power PointChinese Version Only

Introduction to the use of EAG Education Tickets


Leisure and Cultural Services Department Representative


East Asian Games Company Representative

Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games Information Booklet on Education Tickets


Ed ticket Report template



For enquiries, please phone Mr CHAU Chi-kong  at 2762 0129.