Sharing sessions of school-based action research on 'Evidence-based Practices - Learning by Doing'



Title of the seminar/presentation



Sharing sessions of school-based action research on 'Evidence-based Practices - Learning by Doing'

Ways to find evidenceMS Power Point

How could the huge amount of data collected from school be appropriately used as evidence? What did teachers gain in the process of finding evidence?

Finding evidence through peer lesson observation (I)MS Power Point

From what perspectives did teachers view classroom learning and teaching during peer observation of a Chinese reading lesson? What were the reasons for doing this? What did the teachers do before and after the lesson? What did they gain from the process?

Finding evidence through peer lesson observation (II)MS Power Point

From what perspectives did teachers view classroom teaching and learning during peer obse

rvation of a Moral Education lesson? What were the reasons for doing this? What did the teachers do before and after the lesson? What did they gain from the process?


Looking for evidence of learning in students' workMS Power Point

The teachers studied, analyzed and interpreted the data gathered from students' work and examination results in order to improve the learning and teaching of General Studies. How did they handle each working step? What were the findings? How did the evidence help the teachers understand student learning? How did they improve their daily teaching?

Finding evidence through students' workMS Power Point

Through examining students' work in the task books, projects and assessment paper together, teachers tried to reflect on the impact of using readers in the English curriculum. What evidence of learning did they gather from the students' performance? How did it inform teachers about the curriculum planning and learning-teaching process?

Finding evidence of learning through records, interview transcripts, and triangulationMS Power Point

In Mathematics lessons, the teachers encouraged students to attempt open-ended questions. To know how students think, the teachers videotaped and transcribed the students' discussion, and then made triangulation with students' work. Why did the teachers make so much effort in processing the data? What did they learn? How did it help them improve their teaching?


Last revision date: 24 September 2012
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