「以行求知之旅 -轉變中的實踐與思維」研討會- 內容簡介





求知之 ─ 轉變中的實踐與思維










我們無意低估「教學技巧」對課堂學習的重要性。相反,作為教師的支援者,我們需要從多角度去探究和瞭解這些重要知識的產生、掌握和使用,才能確保它們能有效解決教學問題。然而,有別於一些工業製造過程,教育是人影響人的複雜過程;教學不是單向的傳遞,而是多元化的互動。在這樣一個動態而多變的課堂環境中, 我們相信教師所需要的知識與一般以「技術為本」的知識 (technical-based knowledge)有很大分別。


綜觀最近二十多年的教育研究文獻,發現不少學者(1)以「反思型實踐者」 (reflective practitioner)來形容教師。他們認為教師專業知識的產生,源於教師在教學過程的實際經驗和他們對這些經驗的總結、反思和再探究。這種不斷探究和反思的能力,正是來自教師對教育專業的責任感和承擔。在反思的過程中,教師們可以用更多角度去檢討、分析和判斷一些在實際環境中遇到的疑難和解決方法。這些學習經歷正是教師建構實踐知識 (practical knowledge) 的重要歷程。在一個有關「專家教師」(expert teachers)的研究裏,學者(2)更指出「專家教師」的特色,不單在解決疑難的能力,而是他們樂意對一些看似沒有疑難的現象進行探究(problematizing the unproblematic)。這種求真的精神和態度,正是教育的意義和價值。


這些啟示幫助我們反思到校支援者的角色、任務和意義,也開拓了我們支援教師的空間。共同備課和觀課的目的不光是從技術的層面,去提升教師設計某個教學活動的技巧(instructional effectiveness),而是與他們共同面對一些實際的教學問題,在真切的環境中分析和解決問題,總結經驗,從而提升彼此的實踐智慧(practical wisdom)。從2001 年開始,我們借用了社會科學的研究方法和工具,比較有系統地蒐集學生學習的證據,特別是他們在課室的對話和課堂外的習作。通過細緻的分析和詮釋,支援者和教師更能掌握學生的學習需要、學習經歷和成果。這些重要的數據既驗證了我們與教師對教學的一些假設,也啟發了我們對學生學習一些盲點再作探討。這種以「數據為主導」(data-driven)及以「證據為本」(evidence-based)的支援方法,不單提升了教師的課程組織及教學技巧,更加強了他們的敏覺力、判斷力、解決問題及面對問題的能力。








(1) Schön, D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action.

      New York : Basic Books; Parsons, R., Brown, S.(2002). Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and

      Action Researcher, Belmont , CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning

(2) Tsui, A.B.M. (2003). Understanding Expertise in Teaching: Case Studies of ESL Teachers.

      Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

(3) Elliott, J. (2000). Doing Action Research: Doing Practical Philosophy. Prospero 6, pp.82-100.







C01 「從學語文到用語文」─ 追蹤學生中文學習程  













李淑儀女士   高級學校發展主任

何玉珍教師   馬鞍山循道衛理小學                         

 語言 粵語




C02 初小縱向寫作課程 ─ 審題與選材










羅綺蘭女士   高級學校發展主任

陳美華老師   借調教師   (中華基督教會基慈小學)

鄭玉蘭老師   中華基督教會基慈小學 

語言 粵語




C03 怎麼「改」作文?






許孫安先生   高級學校發展主任

劉偉傑老師   福德學校 

語言 粵語




C04 思前想後 ─ 寫作基礎訓練












黃綺玲女士   高級學校發展主任

黎月英老師   軒尼詩道官立下午小學

許佩玉老師   軒尼詩道官立下午小學

羅理瑩老師   軒尼詩道官立下午小學

毛倩華老師   聖公會聖提摩太小學

顏妙燕老師   聖公會聖提摩太小學  

語言 粵語




C05 讓興趣帶動學習-文學教學新思維













李淑儀女士   高級學校發展主任

王潔老師       順德聯誼總會何日東小學(上午)

文靜儀老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(上午)

劉京榮老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(上午)

劉惠娟老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(上午)

林珮玲老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(下午)

梁燕儀老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(下午)

區之汶老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(下午)

王瑞玲老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(下午)

王新娜老師   順德聯誼總會何日東小學(下午) 

語言 粵語




C06 情感與情節 ─ 記事文寫作  










羅綺蘭女士   高級學校發展主任

梁維珍老師   聖公會置富始南小學

黎美芬老師   聖公會置富始南小學

蔣卓途老師   聖公會置富始南小學  

語言 粵語




C07 「以問促思」─ 中文科高階思維的展  


中文新課程除了訓練學生讀寫聽說的能力以外,同時也期望發展學生的高層次思維。聖文德天主教小學的中文科老師期望自行設計一個高小校本課程,透過讀寫聽說的訓練,培養學生不同層級的思維能力,從而提升學生的探究精神及發展他們的高層次思維、批判性思考及創造等共通能力。閱讀教學方面,該校的教學設計採用了「以問促思」的策略,透過不同層次的提問技巧(如複述、解釋、重整、伸展、評鑑及創新等),從而促進學生對文章不同層次的思考。此外,藉著多元化的學習活動 — 課前預習、課堂上老師不同層次的提問、培養學生善於發現問題、鼓勵學生自設問題互相提問、分組討論、匯報、寫作練習以及撰寫課後反思等,學生的學習興趣明顯較前提高,對課堂的投入感也大大加強了。







梁淑群博士   高級學校發展主任

鄧潔雲老師   聖文德天主教小學

殷潔瑩老師   聖文德天主教小學 

語言 粵語








E01 Putting thoughts on paper – the what, how and why in process writing


Teachers at St. Francis' Canossian School found that some of their students did not write with confidence. Students followed very closely the writing frames and answered the guiding questions faithfully when writing their composition. The products were very similar in content and presentations. The highly structured guided writing put constraint on students’ writing development. In an attempt to enhance students’ proficiency in writing, teachers changed their practices in the teaching of writing at P. 3, P. 4 and P.5 levels from guided writing to process writing.



The main concern to the teachers at the start of their shift to the process writing approach was how to incorporate writing skills into the writing lessons. Being different from their conventional practice in using guiding questions to help students write, they needed to lead students through a series of steps – brainstorming, drafting, revising and publishing. They also needed to provide feedback throughout the writing process. Yet, teachers found that their feedback would not necessarily help students learn better or produce better work. Students did not often treat teachers’ feedback seriously and no action for improvement was taken. To bridge the gap, teachers invited students to respond to their feedback. Such a practice ensured that their feedback was received, attended to, and acted on by the students. It also helped to promote interaction between students and teachers, thus enhancing the feedback process.


During the course of development, a number of questions evolved. Would process writing work for all? Should they keep guided writing for the less able? Was it necessary to integrate the two writing approaches? How could they find time in the very tight teaching schedule for process writing? In this sharing session, teachers will share with the audience their insights and experiences on how they used the process writing approach to incorporate writing skills into their writing lessons, the puzzles they ran into and how they resolved them, and the impact of process writing on students' writing proficiency.




Ms FUNG Ho-kwan, Jeanda School Development Officer
Ms KU Yuen-fan, Rachel St Francis' Canossian School
Mrs TSANG LAM Wing-yan St Francis' Canossian School

 Language English




E02 Reading information texts with joy and tears


Information texts, among various text types stipulated in the Curriculum Guide, are found to be challenging to teachers and students alike. They are a broad category denoting the least common text features and language structures. Teaching information texts by strategies like reading aloud and shared reading is found to be unrewarding. Teachers at T.W.G.Hs. LEO Tung-hai Lee Primary School shared the same experience. They believed that their students needed more practice other than that provided in the textbook.


To begin with, teachers addressed this issue at the curriculum level by introducing information texts into the Reading Workshops and the General English Program. They soon came to recognize the need to expand their repertoire in teaching information texts. Their quest for self improvement began with KWL, a commonly-used instructional strategy recommended for teaching information texts. Upon reflection, they conceptualized their experience and further identified the needs of their students. They found that most of their students struggled not only with reading skills but also with text features and unfamiliar vocabularies when reading information texts. Teachers attempted to tackle these two problems separately. They devised a self-learning package to help students get familiar with different text features. In an attempt to enrich their own instructional strategies and to resolve the problem of teaching difficult vocabulary, teachers researched, co-planned and observed one another’s lessons.


In the sharing session, the two panel heads are going to begin their story with the KWL strategy. They are going to show learning episodes to illustrate how they and their colleagues used various strategies to help students handle unfamiliar vocabulary and how they assessed students learning. They will also share with the audience some of their reflections that involve modular planning and integration, the balance between the teaching of skills and vocabulary, and the joy and tears they found in teaching information texts. The audience is expected to participate in a class activity devised by the teachers to handle text features.






Ms KWOK Wing-ki, Judy School Development Officer
Ms MAK Shuk-han T.W.G.Hs. Leo Tung-hai Lee Primary School

 Language English




E03 Opening a treasure chest─ experiences in "reading weeks"



T.W.G.Hs. Tam Shiu Primary School has incorporated English readers into the curriculum for many years. Yet teachers often met looks of incomprehension in classrooms of mixed abilities. Facing the challenge, the teachers attempted different curriculum planning and pedagogies. Over the years, the School progressed from treating readers as a curriculum option; scheduling readers in reading cycles in which students could only read an English reader once a week; to settling on reading weeks which offer the major benefits of creating a sustained favourable atmosphere for reading and providing instant feedbacks on students’ comprehension.


The reading weeks aim to engage students of different abilities in reading. Drawing on the premise that intelligence is multiple; teachers were of the opinion that integrating multiple multi-sensory learning tasks could be a way out.


Teachers designed tasks matching students' auditory, visual, tactile and kinaesthetic learning styles. They found that role-playing and rapping could involve both the low-achieving and high-achieving students who needed whole-body movement and real-life experience. Engaging students in discussion tasks with self-initiating questions on readers shed light on auditory and visual learners’ different understanding. The combination of writing about authentic experience and using diagrams to trace development of plots for presentations were other student-centred activities. Teachers also reflected that scaffolding the multi-sensory tasks at progressive levels of difficulties may be just as helpful.


In this session, the teachers are going to share with participants their curriculum planning and reflection on the teaching of readers. They will elaborate on why they opted for reading weeks after gauging the strengths and weaknesses of different modes of reader instruction. Strategies of designing tasks and worksheets in reading weeks to match with the perceptual strength of different students will be shared and discussed. Classroom videos and students’ work will be shown to the participants to illustrate different tasks attempted in reading weeks. Audience may be invited to rap along in the session to experience how students learn through multi-sensory ways.




Ms CHAN Yeung-ming, Eve School Development Officer
Ms LAM Wai-man, Helen T.W.G.Hs. Tam Shiu Primary School
Mr TANG Pui-chi T.W.G.Hs. Tam Shiu Primary School

 Language English




E04 Enhancing competencies, broadening minds - how assessment supports learning


Teachers are aware of the impact of assessment on student learning. What students do in their class work, home assignments, preparation for tests and examinations, and how they perceive the results of tests and examinations, has profound influence on them as learners. Seeing that assessment has such a powerful backwash effect on student learning, teachers at SKH St Peter’s Primary School re-examined and reflected on their practices and perception towards assessment in their English KLA curriculum. They identified some of the challenges that they faced in the school. These included the school tradition and culture in teachers’ marking practice, and the multiple demand of assessment.


The sharing will explore how teachers dealt with these challenges by making sense of the data and evidence emerged from Territory-wide System Assessment, internal assessments, collaborative lesson planning meetings, and whole panel discussions. Drawing on the analysis of the data and evidence, teachers began to try out new forms of marking students’work and gradually developed their own scoring criteria on writing. They also tried out new means of giving timely feedback to their students. The initial feedback and discussion focused on ideas rather than on marks and was provided at a time when the ideas were still fresh in students’ minds. Students received feedback from their peers and teacher during group discussion. Seeing and commenting on other’s works heightened their awareness of standards required and helped develop their ability to evaluate their own work.


In this sharing session, authentic curriculum materials and assessment papers will be shown to illustrate the connection and coherency between formative and summative assessments. Student work and learning episodes will be examined and discussed to help illustrate the assessment-feedback loop. It is hoped that the session can prompt reflection in the audience on the connection between learning, teaching and assessment, and on the practical ways in implementing assessment for learning in the English language.




Ms FUNG Ho-kwan, Jeanda School Development Officer
Ms CHUNG Shuk-yan, Fiona SKH St Peter’s Primary School (AM)
Ms LAM Kwok-kiu, Dorothy SKH St Peter’s Primary School (PM)

  Language English




E05 Poetry writing and appreciation in action


How to help struggling and reluctant students to find success in writing and speaking is always a teacher’s concern. Using activities that offer pleasurable learning and the development of language awareness can be an entry point. Research findings indicated that writing short pieces such as poems and rhymes, using words that students liked or knew, did help struggling students write with increased confidence. Such a practice also encouraged able students to experiment with language, thus enhancing their creativity. With such an idea in mind, the P4 teachers of Pat Heung Central Primary School explored using simple poems to stimulate their students to read and write. They attempted to find out if their students could improve in writing and speaking through structured learning procedures.


Poetry writing and appreciation was, therefore, integrated into the learning modules. In the first stage, students were introduced some shape poems about animals for recitation. They were guided to observe the use of adjectives for an accurate description. They learned to clap the rhythm and do the actions while reciting. The learning contents in the textbook and small readers provided the prerequisite language input for writing. Their poems were then recited in class and posted up for sharing. In the next stage, the application of the language forms, phonics and writing skills was encouraged. The pupils attempted to create their simple poems on the basis of a structured framework that allowed them to express their feelings, ideas and experiences with greater confidence. Such kinds of learning activity were shared with other teachers in the school. Poetry writing and appreciation has become one of the learning focuses in the school-based curriculum.


In this sharing session, teachers from Pat Heung Central Primary School will share with the audience how they helped students comprehend simple poems, the strategies to conduct poetry writing and poems recitation, and the ways to develop students’ semantic, syntactic and graphophonic knowledge and skills. Audience will be invited to interact with the presenters in poem recitation.






Ms WONG Sau-yim, Josephine School Development Officer
Ms HUNG Sui-ying Pat Heung Central Primary School
Mr Yakeen KELLY Pat Heung Central Primary School
Mr TO Kwok-kuen Pat Heung Central Primary School

  Language English





E06 Write right ─ rubrics as criterion-referenced learning tools



Writing is clearly a complex, multifaceted process requiring the ability to manipulate many sub-skills simultaneously. Teachers at Lok Wah Catholic Primary School are aware of the inadequacies in the writing of their KS2 students. They found that students generally fell short of ideas in their writing. There was evidence of attempt by students to respond to the prompt but the writing focus was not consistently sustained. How can they help students to write right?


Drawing on the premise that reading and writing should be connected, teachers integrated substantial reading input in the learning modules and designed reading tasks to equip students with the reading skills for understanding of specific text types. Students were immersed in the genre during reading. They then composed a text in that genre through shared writing before they were guided to write their own text.


When it came to assessing students’ writing, criterion-referenced marking was introduced and refined through adopting and developing writing rubrics for expository and narrative writing. However, there was a clear mismatch between what were stipulated in the rubrics and students’ writing performance in examinations. The practice of using the rubrics only for marking tests and examinations revealed a very loose link between teaching, learning and assessment. The rubrics as tools for assessment had little impact on students’ writing. To make better use of the rubrics as learning tools in writing, teachers shared with students explicitly the writing rubrics in terms of content, audience, purpose, and appropriateness of style. They gave specific and timely feedback to inform students of their performance and areas needing improvements throughout the writing process.


This sharing session aims to illustrate how teachers scaffold and supported students’ reading and writing development; how pedagogical considerations on writing rubrics were solicited, and how they analyzed and used students’ learning evidence to reflect on the teaching of writing. They will also highlight the match and mismatch in teachers and students’ expectations identified when putting the writing rubrics in practice, and how these discrepancies were addressed.




Dr TSE Kwok-keung, Ernest School Development Officer
Ms TSE Chi-mei, Auxilia Lok Wah Catholic Primary School
Ms CHAN Shin-han, Pam Lok Wah Catholic Primary School

 Language English





E07 Can junior primary students go beyond sentence writing in English?


For emergent writers at junior primary level, coherent text writing is always a hurdle to overcome. They are acquainted with substituting words in structured writing frames to produce a number of repetitive but discrete sentences. Parallel and highly structured guided writing are the general practice in writing lessons. However, junior primary students need to cope with the demand of the Primary 3 TSA writing papers that require them to demonstrate proficiency in producing writing with “relevant ideas” and “coherency”. This is always an area of concern for English language teachers at SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School. In view of the need to give an early start to P.2 students in the training of writing coherent texts, teachers initiated a writing program to develop students’ writing skills at the end of the 2006-2007 year.


With text coherence being made the object of learning in the writing program, teachers introduced model paragraphs to increase students’ exposure to coherent texts with a similar theme. Students were taught to brainstorm and select relevant ideas, and arrange them into a coherent paragraph. Concept maps were used to illustrate the structure of these writings. Students were expected to model on the graphic organizer when planning for their own writing. In the course of development, one interesting finding identified was that while some classes could come up with a more coherent piece, others could not. What makes the difference? As practitioners and observers, teachers will share with the audience their understanding of students’ learning process, their belief and rationale behind their choice of the teaching approaches, and some ‘teaching tips’ generated from their experience.




Ms WONG Kit-mei, Gladys School Development Officer
Ms CHAN Man-yee, Dorcas SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School
Ms CHU Siu-lin, Alice SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School
Ms LEUNG Kin-mong, Christine SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School
Ms LO Mun-fong, Rachel SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School

 Language English







M01學探究 ─ 分、擴分、約分及通分  








周偉志先生   高級學校發展主任

吳鳳燕老師   嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校

鍾嘉麗老師   嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校

蔡敏意老師   嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校

陸蕙雯老師   嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校

劉潔心老師   嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校 

語言 粵語




M02乘法 ─ 點祇「唸乘表」咁簡單?  




一般人都以為懂得「唸乘數表」便是懂得乘法;然而鳳溪第二小學的老師卻面對這個迷思:他們發現部份學生未能運用乘法概念去建構新知識和解難,例如部份懂得唸乘數表的同學在計算:「6x7 = ? 」時,往往需由6x1,6x2……背起,這顯示同學祗會倚賴背誦公式或牢記某種計算方法的答案去處理問題;於是老師便在二年級進行有關乘法的課研,嘗試幫助學生把乘法的「概念」與「應用」連繫起來。


本個案我們會分享鳳溪第二小學的老師如何透過不同的教學策略 (例如:運用擬題活動去澄清乘法概念、利用討論開放題目來鞏固乘數法則、透過問題辯解去分辨乘法問題等活動等)去幫助該校二年級學生建構、掌握乘數計算技巧、深化乘法概念及釐清乘法「概念」與「應用」之間的連繫。




陳子陽先生   高級學校發展主任

陸燕娜老師   鳳溪第二小學

李思敏老師   鳳溪第二小學

李雅儀老師   鳳溪第二小學 

語言 粵語




M03 小四學生學解難能的培養  






曾倫尊女士   高級學校發展主任

葉妙兒老師   天主教柏德學校

李韋姬老師   天主教柏德學校

梁詠詩老師   天主教柏德學校

語言 粵語




M04 除法的



 1. 有「乘會變大,除會變小」的迷思概念;

 2. 在除法上會以「大的數」 「小的數」來解題;

 3. 在求餘數問題中常以四捨五入法求商;

 4. 在求有餘數的除法中,會忽略餘數的小數點,或是將餘數的小數點對齊移位後的被除數小數點。







蕭霞萍女士   高級學校發展主任

李寶文老師   中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣)

羅家欣老師   中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣)

羅志明老師   中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣)

邱春麗老師   中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣)

劉振輝老師   中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣) 

語言 粵語




M05 數學學習難點對數學教學的啟示—分數與四邊形的特性










吳沛榮先生   高級學校發展主任

李潔欣老師   天主教善導小學

張子宇老師   天主教善導小學

吳偉文老師   天主教善導小學

蔡鳳鳴老師   天主教善導小學

黃敏機老師   天主教善導小學

梁淑貞老師   天主教善導小學  

語言 粵語




M06 「捨易取難」? ─ 小五面積教學的另類嘗試



1. 學生能否從探究中自行找出以上圖形面積的公式?

2. 學生能否從不同的計算方法中判斷出最有效的方法?

3. 學生完成此課題後能否靈活運用分割、補足或其他方法,自行從量度中找出日常生活中多邊形的相關資料,並找出它們的面積?








周偉志先生   高級學校發展主任

文美玉老師   借調教師   (香海正覺蓮社佛教正慧小學)

丁鵬程老師   北角官立小學

李明佳老師   北角官立小學

曾素蓮老師   聖公會奉基小學

林燕燕老師   聖公會奉基小學 

語言 粵語




M07 初小學解題 ─ 認真審題、提升解題能力  










李潤強先生   高級學校發展主任

曾嘉文老師   秀明小學

鄧婉文老師   秀明小學 

語言 粵語




M08 從「量度」活動看學生學習  








陳影菲女士   高級學校發展主任

黃健英老師   借調老師   (馬頭涌官立小學)

葉長芳老師   香港南區官立小學

張計妹老師   香港南區官立小學 

語言 粵語








GS01 專題研習與「2008 年北京奧運」  









黎允善先生   高級學校發展主任

葉襯歡老師   沙田循道衛理小學

文綺棋老師   沙田循道衛理小學

殷振雄老師   聖公會聖米迦勒小學 

語言 粵語




GS02 科學探究日 = 愉快 + 學習  






李淑莊女士   高級學校發展主任

李美嫦老師   鐘聲學校

張家健老師   鐘聲學校

吳懷燕老師   將軍澳循道衛理小學

黃勵德老師   將軍澳循道衛理小學 

語言 粵語




GS03 科科務發展的徑  











吳木嘉先生   高級學校發展主任

黃琳老師       天水圍循道衛理小學

蔡慶苓老師   天水圍循道衛理小學

梁健寧老師   天水圍循道衛理小學 

語言 粵語




GS04 科多元化評估的實踐  











黎允善先生   高級學校發展主任

陳嘉璐老師   中華基督教會拔臣小學

盧潔梅老師   中華基督教會拔臣小學

潘翠媚老師   中華基督教會拔臣小學

殷振雄老師   聖公會聖米迦勒小學

陳斯適老師   聖公會聖米迦勒小學 

語言 粵語




GS05 透過專題研習建構「能為本」的縱向課程










余忠權先生   高級學校發展主任

陳淑英老師   香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會台山陳元喜小學 

語言 粵語



GS06 以博物活化學生學習  










吳木嘉先生   高級學校發展主任

梁永強老師   中華基督教會基道小學(九龍城)

郭健昌老師   香港浸信會聯會小學

阮慧恆老師   香港浸信會聯會小學 

語言 粵語




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