「以行求知 教學多元化學習無界限」經驗分享會 2017








「以行求知 教學多元化‧學習無界限」經驗分享會


 「以行求知 教學多元化‧學習無界限」程序表



 「以行求知 教學多元化‧學習無界限」場刊(附前言)



C01/C08 培育創造力、激發寫作興趣 高小「創意寫作」課程規劃與設計 <簡報> <內容要>



C02/C09 自主學習與初小讀寫課堂的學與教策略(小二、小三) <簡報> <內容撮要>



C03/C10 閱讀教學與思維訓練 <簡報> <內容撮要>



C04/C11 提興趣學新知 活用圖書教學,提升非華語學生語文能力及學習興趣  <簡報> <內容撮要>



C05/C12 從說話開始 說促思,以說促寫 <簡報> <內容要>



C06/C13自主閱讀課堂學習 小四小說單元教學 <簡報>PDF <內容要>PDF




C07/C14創設愉快的中國語文課堂學習(小四) <簡報>PDF <內容要>PDF





E01/E07 Developing a School-based Speaking Curriculum: Conceptions and Practices Presentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

The mastery of speaking skills could render students a better head start on academic success and workplace achievement. Recently, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School has been revamping their school-based speaking skill curriculum. Teachers have attributed the success to 4 curriculum conceptions and practices. They are: developing a speaking skill framework responding to student interests and needs; integrating deliberate and ample speaking practices; incorporating feedback for improvement; and integrating the four language skills. Speakers will explain to audience details of their experience with videos and T&L materials. 



E02/E08 Revisiting a Vertical Framework for the Writing Curriculum: A Closer Look at What Makes or Breaks Its Implementation Presentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

The sharing sessions last year on revamping the school-based writing curriculum were well-received as the participants obtained some concrete ideas about how to develop a vertical framework. However, our experience has told us that using the framework alone is not sufficient. Teachers from three schools have found a number of classroom practices very crucial in making the framework work. In the sharing session this year, the whats and hows of developing students' writing skills with the use of a vertical writing framework will be revisited, but more emphasis will be placed on effective strategies and practices that teachers should adopt to help maximize the use of the framework.


E03/E09 Realizing the Potential of Project Learning in the English Language Education KLA Presentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

Teachers at Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) would like to share with audience how they have infused various elements, such as life-wide learning, self-learning, task-based learning and flipped classroom, into a P.5 project. The purpose is to promote the integrative use of language skills and strategies, encourage independent learning and arouse students’ interest in English learning. Teachers will talk about: (i) textbook adaptation, particularly ways to make project learning a natural extension of classroom teaching, (ii) scaffolding steps used to promote learning; (iii) the use of differentiated tasks to cater for learner diversity.


E04/E10 A Splendid Spin: Revamping and Enriching the Current Book-based and Text-based Curriculum to Fit in the Framework of the English Language Curriculum for Effective LearningPresentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

The strong belief in the benefits of a reading-based curriculum has motivated the teachers of HKMLC Wong Chan Sook Ying Memorial School to build their English curriculum around story books and authentic texts. They will share with audience how they revamped their curriculum through selecting and sequencing the teaching materials and building the whole curriculum through a careful scaffolding of learning tasks. The last part of the sharing will include suggestions on how these interesting materials could fit in to the context where textbooks are used.


E05/E11 Enhanced Interface: Making Connection of English Language Learning Across Key StagesPresentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

Enhancing a smooth transition from various key phases in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools is key to ensuring positive impact on student learning. The lack of appropriate cross-phase links in English language learning may lead to demotivation and negative impact on student performance. The gap widens as they make progress across key stages. Three schools will share their experiences in facilitating the interface from kindergarten to primary schools, using assessment data to narrow the English Language learning gap from KS1 to KS2, and preparing students to transfer from primary to secondary schools.


E06/E12 Writing Across the Curriculum: Getting Started Presentation versionPDF Booklet versionPDF 只有英文版

Teachers from Farm Road Government Primary School have identified effective strategies to promote writing as well as stimulate students' thinking on social, global and cultural issues. Students have learned that becoming a competent writer involves knowing and understanding the forms, functions and features of writing. They help students to establish meaningful links among local, global contexts and themselves; positive values and attitudes and world knowledge. There are some flavorful ways teachers have tried in spicing up their writing in the classroom. These will be shared in the session.



M01/M06互動與探究──應用電子學習於小四的「周界」及「面積」 <簡報>PDF <內容要>PDF



M02/M07 數學課程的思考、思考的數學課程──學生解答應用題,學的是甚麼?   <簡報>PDF <內容要>PDF 



M03/M08 照顧學習多樣性之校本課堂設計──第二學習階段「周界」和「面積」的教學策略分享  <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF



M04/M09從教學策略和學習經歷看探究式學習──小六「容量和體積」 <簡報>PDF <內容要>PDF



M05/M10 非華語學生學習異分母分數加、減法 <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF




GS01/GS05 STEM專題研習工作坊──兩所學校引入電腦編程的經驗 <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF



GS02/GS06 常識科單元教學的自學活動與課堂跟進策略 <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF

近年來各科致力發展學生自學能力,以「探究式學習」為主要教學取向的常識科亦不例外,「如何跟進課前的自學活動」遂成為老師的關注問題。本場次的分享學校參考翻轉教室的教學模式,在高年級單元教學擬定課前的自學活動,並在課堂中設置跟進活動。分享內容重點:() 自學活動的實施與 () 課堂中跟進自學活動的策略。


GS03/GS07 老友記與你話當年 口述歷史教學設計在常識科的應用  <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF



GS04/GS08 在常識科應用設計循環開展高小STEM教育  <簡報>PDF <內容撮要>PDF 




修訂日期: 2017608

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