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The Ad Hoc Committee on reviewing IT Learning Targets is set up under the CDC Standing Committee on STEAM Education to review and to revise the IT Learning Targets document which prepared by the Curriculum Development Council in 2000.

  • Convenor:
    • Mr LIN Ting-kit, Henry
      Chief Curriculum Development Officer
      Technology Education Section
      Education Bureau
  • Member:
    • Dr FOK Wai-tung, Wilton
      Principal Lecturer
      Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
      Faculty of Engineering
      The University of Hong Kong
    • Dr KEUNG Wai, Jacky
      Associate Professor
      Department of Computer Science
      City University of Hong Kong
    • Prof KONG Siu-cheung
      Research Chair Professor of E-Learning and Digital Competency
      Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
      Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
      The Education University of Hong Kong
    • Prof WONG Ka-wai, Gary
      Associate Professor / Director of Centre for Information Technology in Education
      The University of Hong Kong
    • Mr WONG Kin-wai
      Association of I.T. Leaders in Education
    • Mr CHU Ka-tim
      The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education
    • Mr CHEUNG Ka-chun
      Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College
    • Mr LI Andy
      Ling To Catholic Primary School
    • Mr CHENG Pat-leung, Victor
      Ex-Executive Director
      Hong Kong Education City Limited
    • Ms FUNG Ka-po, Karen
      General Manager InnoPreneur and FutureSkills
      Hong Kong Productivity Council
    • Mr HOO Yiu-keung, Michael
      Senior Systems Manager
      Digital Policy Office
      Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau
    • Ms LEUNG Kit-ying, Randy
      Senior Curriculum Development Officer
      Information Technology Education Section
      Education Bureau
  • Secretary:
    • Mr LUI Kam-ming, Michael
      Senior Curriculum Development Officer
      Technology Education Section
      Education Bureau
Gist of Meeting
20-03-2024 View View
29-06-2023 View View
01-06-2023 View View
21-04-2023 View View
28-02-2023 View View
09-01-2023 View View
30-11-2022 View View