To advise CDC Committee on Science Education on the suggestions for enhancing the interfacing across key stages and pedagogical innovation, and
To carry out other tasks as designated by the CDC Committee on Science Education.
Membership List
Dr. LAM Wai-lim, William
Chielf Curriculum Development Officer (Science)
Curriculum Support Division
Education Bureau
Mr. HO Tik-shun
School Principal
The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
Professor HO Wing-kei, Keith
Professor and Head
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
The Education University of Hong Kong
Mr. HUI Ka-shing
STEAM coordinator
Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Dr LAI Kwing-to, Toby
Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong
Professor LAU Tat-ming, Darwin
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of Faculty of Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. LEE Lit-hong
Assistant Vice-Principal
St. Paul's Co-educational College
Ms. LEE Ying-chi, Jackie
Curriculum Development Officer
Curriculum Resources Section, EDB
Ex-officio Member
Mr. LI Chi-man
School Principal
TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College
Mr. MA Chung-tsun
School Principal
Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School
Mr. MAK Hon-lung
Senior Manager - Assessment Development
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Ex-officio Member
Professor MAK Ho-yi
Associate Dean of Science (Student Recruitment),
Associate Professor, Division of Life Science,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Mr. NG Wa-piu, Henry
School Principal
Newman Catholic College
Ms. SIU Wai-yan, Vian
Science KLA and STEAM Coordinator
St. Teresa Secondary School
Mr. YEUNG Yu-san
STEAM Coordinator
SKH Holy Cross Primary School
Mr. LEUNG Yat-yin, Leon
Curriculum Development Officer (Science)
Curriculum Support Division
Education Bureau