Competencies |
評估準則例子 |
- make further
predictions based on available experimental evidence.
- 如果最終設計的模型的測試結果仍不理想,學生會否探討當中的原因?能力稍遜的學生不會發現這個問題;能力一般的學生會解釋原因,根據已有的實驗結果,提出論證支持,而能力較高的學生還會進行實驗,驗證自己的解釋。
- propose
hypotheses for investigation;
- plan and carry
out scientific investigations consistent with scientific processes;
e.g. the concept of a "fair" test;
- select
appropriate apparatus and justify choice;
- suggest
experimental procedures and methods that are appropriate to the
questions being explored;
- understand
what empirical evidence will support or refute claims.
- 提出假說,並清楚指出操縱和應變變因。
- 除確保不變變因不變外,還要確保所有測試在相同的實驗條件下進行,例如:同一日進行、同一地點測試等等。
- 選用容易找到的材料和儀器,並要考慮實驗安全的問題。
- 清楚列出各實驗步驟,並建議提高實驗準確性的方法。
Define variable
- devise
experiments with control variables where appropriate;
- define
operationally physical quantities and qualities.
- 能力較強的學生懂得控制不變變因及解釋保持其不變的原因。
- 清楚界定和控制變因。
Information gathering - Observe
- observe
objects and/or events systematically;
- understand
factors that might influence the quality of their observations.
- 細心觀察測試時的情況,注意影響實驗結果的環境因素,建議改善的方法。
Information gathering - Measure
- make
measurements accurately using a variety of instruments;
- 運用合適的儀器,並懂得進行重複測試,增加數據的準確性。
- classify
according to external features and observed chemical and physical
- 動力來源是受著槳葉的大小、槳葉的數目、電源三方面影響,而船的重量和船身的設計是直接影響移動的因素。不論是哪一種能量轉換過程,上述兩個問題都是存在的。因此,首先清楚界定兩個問題,才能比較不同的能量轉換過程。
Record data
- make
systematic and accurate notes and drawings of observations;
- compile and
display data in a variety of formats; e.g. tables and bar graphs.
- 記錄測試時的情況,可用文字和圖畫描述。
- 能力高的學生會運用圖表,找出變因的影響,以及變因之間的關係。
- identify
similarities, differences, patterns or relationships in a variety of
forms of data;
- suggest
explanations for observations that are consistent with the evidence.
- 根據測試結果,清楚指出各變因的變化。
- 懂得作出預測,找出最理想的參考值。
- 例如改變帆布的面積,會改變船的重量。能力較強的學生不單解釋問題的因果關係,還會找出最好的配對。
- combine
findings of different investigations in drawing conclusions.
- 能力較高的學生除歸納各實驗結果外,還會指出變因之間的關係。