Module 5: Changes
Unit: I am Growing Up


Task 2: Growth Profile – When I was a Kindergarten Child


Part A: Taking care of myself


  1. Ask pupils to read the story ‘When I was younger’ in the textbookPrimary Longman Express 4A (2005) Chapter 7 (pp. 49&50) which tells what Eddy and Emma could and couldn’t do. Guide pupils to focus on the verbs and verb phrases to locate information about their self-care abilities at different ages (LT 5.5 Part A).



Develop word formation skills by highlighting that the reflexive pronouns are formed by adding the suffix self or selves. Draw pupils’ attention to the reflexive pronouns in the text to help them locate what the two children could do without help.


  3. Have pupils write what they themselves could do at different ages (LT 5.5 part B).



To expand pupils’ ideas on self-care abilities, guide them to enter the new vocabulary items into the appropriate categories of the tree diagram.


  5. To revise the verb phrases for describing their self-care abilities, divide the class into two teams to play the game ‘Vocabulary Tic Tac Toe’.


  6. To consolidate the learning of the target vocabulary items, get pupils to complete a checklist of what they could and could not do when they were in kindergarten (They might need to ask their parents.) and conduct interviews to find out what others could do in their kindergarten years (LT 5.6). To promote peer learning, have pupils share the interesting things their classmates could do after they have finished the interviews.






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