Module 5: Changes
Unit: I am Growing Up


Task 2: Growth Profile – When I was a Kindergarten Child


Part B: My growth profile – ‘When I was a kindergarten child’


  1. Before pupils work on Part 2 of the growth profile (LT 5.3), highlight the main idea in this part – pupils could take care of themselves. Brainstorm with pupils more ideas on what they could do when they were a kindergarten child.


  2. To help pupils organise their writing, guide them to make use of the categories of the tree diagram of ‘Self Care’ to develop topic sentences for the different paragraphs (e.g. I could get dressed). Show pupils how they can elaborate the main idea in each paragraph by providing details using the verb phrases in that category (e.g. I could get dressed. I could put on my jacket. I could also do up my zips and buttons).


  3. Guide pupils to read their drafts and provide feedback on the appropriate use of vocabulary and relevance of ideas in each paragraph with respect to the topic sentence.






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