To facilitate the implementation of the SS Physics Curriculum, a series of professional development programmes is being organised. Major domains of the professional development programmes to be provided are:
(1) Understanding and Interpreting the Curriculum;(Curriculum Resources for Physics Link)
2024/25 School YearCourse Titles | Course ID | Date |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics: Briefing Session on 2024 HKDSE Physics Examination (New) | CSD020250058 | 07-10-2024 |
National Aerospace Experts Campus Activities: Sharing on the Process of Astronaut Selection and Training | CSD020240675 | 22-10-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics (S4-6): Introduction to black hole and software-defined radio (SDR) radio astronomical observation for secondary school students (New) | CSD020250247 | 25-10-2024 |
Induction Course for New Physics Teachers (New) | CSD020250059 | 02-11-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to PolyU Scientific Research Facilities-cum-Sharing on “Borderless Lab365” (New) | CSD020240681 | 19-11-2024 |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics (S4-6): Workshops for Promoting Assessment for Learning in Physics (New) | CSD020250061 | 23-11-2024 |
Course for Laboratory Technicians: Use of Arduino for Scientific Inquiry in Physics (Re-run) | CSD020250062 | 28-11-2024 |
Sharing on Physics Laboratory Safety and Management (Refreshed) | CSD020250064 | 12-12-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to Astropark and iObservatory (Refreshed) | CSD020250063 | 28-02-2025 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Briefing Session on 2023 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination cum Updated Arrangement on 2024 HKDSE Physics Examination (New) | CSD020240248 | 10-10-2023 & 19-10-2023 |
Innovative Engineering Education for Primary and Secondary Schools” (2023/24) launching ceremony cum “Engineers on Campus” dissemination seminar | CSD020230531 | 01-11-2023 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to PolyU facilities on Innovation and Technology cum Sharing on “Borderless Lab365” (New) | CSD020230561 | 14-11-2023 |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics (S4-6): Workshops for Promoting Assessment for Learning in Physics (Refreshed) | CSD020240255 | 25-11-2023 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series for Physics (S4-6): Sharing on the Multimedia Resources for the Latest Development and Application of Physics (New) | CSD020240257 | 06-12-2023 |
Sharing on Physics Laboratory Safety and Management (New) | CSD020240266 | 14-12-2023 |
STEAM Education Knowledge Enriching Series: Hong Kong Space Museum School Astronomical Show cum Exhibition Halls Visit (Refreshed) | CSD020230617 | 09-01-2024 |
Understanding and Interpreting the Physics Curriculum (Refreshed) | CSD020240256 | 29-01-2024 |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics (S4-6): Workshops for Promoting Assessment for Learning in Physics (Re-run) | CSD020230630 | 03-02-2024 |
Induction Course for New Physics Panel Chairpersons (Refreshed) | CSD020240253 | 19-02-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Astronomical Observation and Visit to Astropark (Re-run) | CSD020230341 | 01-03-2024 |
STEAM Education Knowledge Enriching Series: Introduction to Hong Kong Radio Astronomy (New) | CSD020240394 | 26-04-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Metrology – Realisation of the "Second" and Dew Point Temperature (New) | CSD020240263 | 30-05-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (Re-run) | CSD020240393 | 13-06-2024 |
Implementation of National Security Education in Physics (S4-6) Curriculum (Refreshed) | CSD020240261 | 18-06-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: New Space Economy and National Space Achievement (New) | CSD020240273 | 21-06-2024 |
STEAM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to EMSD Facilities on Innovation Technology and Carbon Neutrality (New) | CSD020240598 | 24-06-2024 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics (S4-6):Quantum Technology (New) | CSD020240264 | 26-06-2024 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Briefing Session on 2022 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination cum SBA Conference (New) | CSD020220102 | 03-10-2022 & 17-10-2022 |
Understanding and Interpreting the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curriculum (Refreshed) (The course will be conducted in online mode.) | CSD020220204 | 02-11-2022(Cancelled) |
SS Assessing Student Learning Series: Workshops for Promoting Assessment for Learning in Physics (Refreshed) | CSD020220258 | 29-11-2022 & 02-12-2022 |
Induction Course for New Panel Chairpersons of the Science Education KLA (New) | CSD020220259 | 05-12-2022 |
Understanding and Interpreting the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curriculum (Refreshed) (Online Course) | CSD020220270 | 07-12-2022 |
Implementation of National Security Education in Physics (S4-6) Curriculum (Refreshed) (Online Course) | CSD020220266 | 14-12-2022 |
STEAM Education Knowledge Enriching Series: Hong Kong Space Museum School Astronomical Show cum Exhibition Halls Visit (Refreshed) | CSD020220309 | 10-01-2023 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Visit to HKUST Quantum Labs cum Seminar on Quantum Technologies (New) | CSD020220316 | 13-01-2023 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Visit to EMSD Headquarter cum Seminar on Energy Efficiency (Refreshed) | CSD020220330 | 18-01-2023 |
STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Gamma-Go Teacher Workshop (Refreshed) | CSD020230188 | 24-02-2023 & 03-03-2023 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Visit to The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (Re-run) | CSD020230251 | 17-03-2023 & 24-03-2023 |
SS Enriching Knowledge for the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curricula Series: Seminar on Nuclear Energy and Renewable Energy Sources cum Visit to CLP Power Low Carbon Energy Education Centre (Refreshed) | CSD020230314 | 27-04-2023 |
Use of IT Tools for Practical-based Learning Activity in Physics (New) | CSD020230329 | 19-05-2023 |
STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Scientific Inquiry-based Learning Activity in Solar Energy Harvesting for Science (S1-3) (New) | CSD020230377 | 08-06-2023 & 12-06-2023 |
STEAM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Scientific Inquiry-based Learning Activity in Solar Energy Harvesting for Physics (S4-6) (New) | CSD020230378 | 09-06-2023 & 14-06-2023 |
Course for Laboratory Technicians: Use of Arduino for Scientific Inquiry in Physics (New) | CSD020230407 | 23-06-2023 |
Understanding and Interpreting HKDSE Physics Sample Paper cum Good Practices Sharing on Physics SBA & Laboratory Safety and Management (New) | CSD020230496 | 29-06-2023 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
SS Assessing Student Learning Series: Briefing Session for 2021 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination cum SBA Conference (New) | CDI020220275 | 04-10-2021 & 05-10-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Visit to EMSD Education Path cum Seminar on Energy Efficiency (New) | CDI020220262 | 18-10-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Gamma-Go Teacher Workshop (New) | CDI020211691 | 29-10-2021 & 08-11-2021 |
SS Assessing Student Learning Series: Workshops for Promoting Assessment for Learning in Physics (New) | CDI020211770 | 30-10-2021 & 06-11-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Astronomical Observation and Visit to Astropark (Re-run) | CDI020220257 | 12-11-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminars on Space Science and Remote Physics Experiments cum Visit to Research Facilities (New) | CDI020220254 | 18-11-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Gamma-Go Teacher Workshop (Re-run) | CDI020211772 | 19-11-2021 & 24-11-2021 |
Assessing Student Learning Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) SBA Conference (New) | CDI020211830 | 27-11-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Implementation of National Security Education in Physics (S4-6) Curriculum (New) (Online Course) | CDI020220866 | 29-11-2021 |
SS Enriching Knowledge for the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curricula Series: Seminar on Nuclear Energy and Renewable Energy Sources cum Visit to CLP Power Low Carbon Energy Education Centre (New) | CDI020220241 | 17-12-2021 |
Hong Kong Space Museum School Astronomical Show cum Exhibition Halls Visit (New) | CDI020220250 | 04-01-2022 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Dissemination Workshop on Teaching Packages on STEM-related "Hands-on and Minds-on" Activities in Physics (New) (Online Course) | CDI020221112 | 16-02-2022 & 17-02-2022 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Buildings Energy Efficiency (New) | CDI020221344 | 02-06-2022 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Ultrasound Scans in Medical Imaging (New) | CDI020220264 | 28-06-2022 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Seminar on Metrology – Temperature and Gravitational Acceleration (New) (Online Course) | CDI020221191 | 30-06-2022 |
Learning and Teaching Series for Science (S1-3) Curriculum: Workshop on Conducting Learning and Teaching Activities Related to the Topic “Energy” in Science (S1-3) Curriculum (New) | CDI020221470 | 07-07-2022 |
STEM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: From Past to Future – Ancient Chinese Astronomy and Latest Development of Aerospace Technology (New) | CDI020221451 | 26-07-2022 |
Enriching Knowledge Series for Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part): Sharing on Good Practices of Learning and Teaching in Physics (New) | CDI020221577 | 10-08-2022 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
Briefing Session on 2020 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination (New) | CDI020201356 | 07-10-2020 & 08-10-2020 |
STEM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Sharing Session on STEM Education Tour to Estonia (New) | CDI020201484 | 21-10-2020 |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (Re-run) | CDI020210878 | 03-11-2020 & 05-11-2020 & 07-11-2020 |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (Re-run) | CDI020210882 | 10-11-2020 & 12-11-2020 & 14-11-2020 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Use Sensors in STEM Learning Activities (New) | CDI020201626 | (Cancelled) |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of an Ukulele and Related STEM Activities (Re-run) | CDI020201605 | (Cancelled) |
STEM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on "The Role of Engineering in STEM Education" (Refreshed) (Web-based Course) | CDI020210891 | 18-12-2020 to 15-01-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of a Kalimba and Related STEM Activities (New) (Online Course) | CDI020211005 | 29-01-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of a Quadcopter and Related STEM Activities (New) (Online Course) | CDI020211006 | 05-02-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Metrology – Photometry, Time and Frequency in Our Everyday Life (New) (Online Course) | CDI020210888 | 26-02-2021 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Sharing on Good Practices for Physics Experiments (Web-based Course) (New) | CDI020211091 | 04-03-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Use Sensors in STEM Learning Activities (Web-based Course) (New) | CDI020211138 | 08-03-2021 to 12-03-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Dissemination Seminar of STEM Learning Activities (Web-based Course) (New) | CDI020211140 | 15-03-2021 to 26-03-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of an Ukulele and Related STEM Activities (Re-run) | CDI020211209 | 30-03-2021 & 13-04-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of a Vacuum Forming Plastic Boat and Related STEM Activities (New) | CDI020211259 | 20-04-2021 & 04-05-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of a Mecanum Car and related STEM Activities (New) | CDI020211294 | 11-05-2021 & 15-06-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) in STEM Learning Activities (New) | CDI020211285 | 24-05-2021 & 31-05-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Use Sensors in STEM Learning Activities (Re-run) | CDI020211292 | 16-06-2021 & 17-06-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Use Environment Sensor in STEM Learning Activities (New) | CDI020211394 | 29-06-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of an Automatic Alcohol Dispenser and Related STEM Activities (Re-run) | CDI020211370 | 02-07-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Use of IT Tools to Conduct Scientific Inquiry-based Learning Activity (Re-run) | CDI020210889 | 05-07-2021 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: How to Use Recycling Materials to Conduct STEM Learning Activities (New) | CDI020211451 | 09-07-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the Exhibition Halls in the Hong Kong Space Museum (Re-run) | CDI020210895 | 13-07-2021 |
Understanding and Interpreting the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curriculum (Refreshed) (Online Course) | CDI020210880 | 16-07-2021 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Workshop on Energy Harvesting (New) | CDI020211465 | 30-07-2021 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
Briefing Session for 2019 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination (New) (pdf) | CDI020200458 | 2019/9/23 & 2019/10/24 |
STEM Education Series: STEM Education Tour to Estonia [Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)] (New) | CDI020191283 | 2019/10/5 - 12 |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (New) | CDI020200902 | 2020/01/13 & 20 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the New Exhibition Halls in the Hong Kong Space Museum (Re-run) | CDI020200483 | 2020/01/14 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (Re-run) | CDI020200504 | 2020/01/17 |
STEM Education Enriching Knowledge Series: Sharing Session on STEM Education Tour to Estonia (New) | CDI020200894 | (Cancelled) |
STEM Education Series: Seminar on "The Role of Engineering in STEM Education" (Re-freshed) | CDI020200554 | (Cancelled) |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (Re-run) | CDI020201065AA | 2020/06/27 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Related STEM Activities (New) | CDI020201264 | 2020/07/09 & 10 |
STEM Education Learning, Teaching and Assessment Series: Workshop for the Production of an Automatic Alcohol Dispenser and Related STEM Activities (New) | CDI020201262 | Event AA: 2020/07/14 Event AB: (Cancelled) |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (Re-run) | CDI020201065AB | (Cancelled) |
Strategies for Enriching the Learning and Teaching of Physics (S4-6) (Re-run) | CDI020201315 | (Cancelled) |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
SS Assessing Student Learning Series: Briefing Session on 2018 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination (pdf) | CDI020181275 | 2018/10/18 & 29 |
STEM Education Series : Reading to Learn STEM (I) | CDI020181404 | 2018/11/26 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the New Exhibition Halls in the Hong Kong Space Museum | CDI020180449AA | 2018/11/27 |
STEM Education Series: Seminar on "The Role of Engineering in STEM Education" | CDI020181324 | 2018/12/06 |
Enriching Knowledge Series : Astronomical Observation and Visit to Astropark | CDI020181347 | 2018/12/07 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Using "Microcontroller(Arduino)-Smartphone Platform" for Physics Experiment | CDI020190584 | 2019/01/09 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Use of e-Resources to Facilitate the Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Students in Learning Physics | CDI020190597 | 2019/01/10 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the New Exhibition Halls in the Hong Kong Space Museum | CDI020180449AB | 2019/01/15 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Astronomy - From General Theory of Relativity to Recent Astronomical Discoveries | CDI020190600 | 2019/01/17 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Conducting Scientific Investigation Learning Activity by 5E Instructional Model | CDI020190588 | 2019/01/23 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Astronomy and Space Science | CDI020181460 | 2019/02/21 |
STEM Education Series: Application of Brainwave Controlled Technology and Related STEM Activities | CDI020190619 | 2019/02/22 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Use of IT Tools to Conduct Scientific Inquiry-based Learning Activity | CDI020190786 | 2019/02/27 |
STEM Education Series: Workshop for Brainwave Controlled Technology and Related STEM Activities | CDI020190776 | 2019/03/01 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Simulations of the Night Sky Using Digital Full Dome Projection System | CDI020190771 | 2019/03/05 |
STEM Education Series: Latest Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Related STEM Activities | CDI020190772 | 2019/03/14 |
Understanding and Interpreting the Physics (S4-S6) and Combined Science (S4-S6) (Physics Part) Curriculum | CDI020190783 | 2019/03/18 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Dissemination of Teaching Package on Physics-related Activities (pdf) | CDI020190864 | 2019/03/25 |
STEM Education Series: Workshop for the Production of a Small Guitar and Related STEM Activities | CDI020190859 | 2019/04/04 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the Hong Kong Observatory | CDI020190590 | 2019/04/08 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Atomic World | CDI020190951 | 2019/05/06 |
STEM Education Series: Classroom Observation of a STEM-related Lesson | CDI020191023 | 2019/05/07 & 16 |
STEM Education Series: Reading to Learn STEM (II) | CDI020191016 | 2019/05/23 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to The Standards and Calibration Laboratory | CDI020190620 | 2019/05/31 |
STEM Education Series: Workshop on Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) | CDI020191116 | 2019/06/04 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Using e-Resources for Flipped Classroom Teaching of Physics | CDI020191104 | 2019/06/11 |
STEM Education Series: Workshop for Understanding of Machine Learning | CDI020191097 | 2019/06/14 |
STEM Education Series: Sharing on Good Practices in STEM Education for Secondary Schools (II) | CDI020191117 | 2019/06/20 |
STEM Education Series: Sharing on Good Practices in STEM Education for Secondary Schools (III) | CDI020191118 | 2019/06/24 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Using Mobile Phone Applications and "Microcontroller (Arduino)-Smartphone Platform" for Physics Experiments | CDI020191098 | 2019/06/25 |
Course Titles | Course ID | Date |
SS Assessing Student Learning Series: Briefing Session on 2017 HKDSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Examination (pdf) | CDI020180449 | 2017/10/19 & 26 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics about "Einstein's last prophecy – Gravitational Wave" | CDI020171468 | 2018/01/08 |
Enriching Knowledge Series : Astronomical Observation and Visit to Astropark | CDI020180465 | 2018/01/19 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Using e-Resources for Flipped Classroom Teaching of Physics | CDI020180462 | 2018/01/30 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Basic Astronomy Course cum Demonstration of Setting up an Astronomical Telescope | CDI020180463 | 2018/03/02 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Simulations of the Night Sky Using Digital Full Dome Projection System | CDI020180464 | 2018/03/20 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on Space Science | CDI020180864 | 2018/04/13 |
STEM Education Series: Sharing on Good Practices in STEM Education for Secondary Schools (I) | CDI020180858 | 2018/04/19 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Using e-Resources for Flipped Classroom Teaching of Physics (II) | CDI020180935 | 2018/04/27 |
Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Workshop on Remote-controlled Experiments for Physics (New) | CDI020180461 | 2018/05/11 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the New Exhibition Halls in the Hong Kong Space Museum | CDI020180944 | 2018/05/15 |
Enriching Knowledge Series: Visit to the Hong Kong Observatory | CDI020181034 | 2018/05/21 |
STEM Education Series: Sharing on Good Practices in STEM Education for Secondary Schools (II) | CDI020181053 | 2018/05/31 |