Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Purpose & Design


Students will:

  • learn the main features of television advertisements and understand the techniques being used.
  • understand the concept of target audience and its importance in advertising.
  • develop their generic and independent learning skills, in particular self-awareness, confidence, communication, collaboration and creativity.

Teachers will:

  • understand the features of television advertising and how to structure learning and assessment materials to convey these to students.
  • be able to promote critical thinking with regard to advertisements.
  • be able to help students develop generic and independent learning skills.
  • develop a more collaborative culture.

Problems and strategies used



  • Students lack confidence in speaking and presenting in English
  • offer a choice of products: live show or video
  • provide students with opportunities to practise, watch themselves on video and receive feedback
  • Students lack collaboration skills in group work
  • set structured tasks with a clear goal
  • monitor group work closely
  • Some students lack technical skills for producing advertisements on video
  • provide technical support on demand, so that help is available to those who need it
  • Students lack creativity in generating ideas
  • brainstorm ideas as a class or group
  • provide relevant reading material
  • provide examples of other students’ work as well as professionally-made commercials
  • Students lack the necessary language to carry out the task
  • link the project with the core curriculum, so that essential vocabulary and language structures are taught before students begin the project

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