Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Purpose & Design
  I. Topic

Using TSA and internal assessment data to make a smooth transition between the junior and senior secondary curriculum

II. Purpose
  • To study how we make use of various types of data to inform teaching and learning and to effect changes in curriculum planning and development of students' writing skills
  • To investigate how we redesigned the curriculum implemented process writing to enhance the smooth interface between the junior an senior secondary curriculum
  • To implement process writing for the development of students' writing skills
III. Strategies used
  1. Data collection and analysis

In order to have a deeper understanding and reflection of the current practices in teaching, learning and assessment, two schools collected and analysed S3 TSA data in combination with internal assessment data. This led to redesigning the school-based curriculum planning, exploring appropriate teaching and learning strategies and improving existing assessment practices.

  1. Use of process writing approach

Writing is a fluid process created by writers as they work. Accomplished writers move back and forth between the stages of the process, both consciously and unconsciously. (Gardner and Johnson, 1997)

After identifying the problems students have in their writing, we infused the different stages of the writing process such as brainstorming, drafting, reviewing and editing into the writing curriculum to help students develop their writing skills. At the brainstorming stage, teachers integrated language arts elements and a variety of text types to help students generate and develop ideas. During drafting, students learnt how to plan and organize ideas through interactive pair and group activities. Through reviewing and editing, students developed their independent learning skills of reviewing and revising their own work.


IV. Design

  1. Various types of data were collected and analysed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students in writing and gaps in curriculum planning, teaching, learning and assessment.
  2. The module ‘Teenage problems' from English Treasure 3A was chosen for the implementation of the process writing project.
  3. The different stages of the writing process such as brainstorming, drafting, reviewing and editing were adopted to motivate students to write as well as develop their writing skills.
  4. Some new curriculum initiatives such as language arts, individual presentation and group discussion, development of generic skills and independent learning skills were integrated into the project to support learners to make a smooth transition to the NSS curriculum.
  5. Vertical and horizontal curriculum planning were made to enhance a smooth transition between the junior and senior secondary curriculum.

V. Assessment tools

External data Internal data
  • TSA results
  • Design of TSA questions
  • TSA descriptors
  • Redoing of the writing part of TSA paper by students



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