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Activities Highlights

Curriculum Leadership Development (CLD) Programme Theme-based Workshop on Managing Change - Creating a Climate for Change (Webinar)

Date :
26 June 2020 (Friday)
Time :
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Mode :
Objectives :
 Through exploring the topic 'Creating a climate for change', we aim to develop the following curriculum leadership capabilities among participants:
 using data effectively in needs analysis to identify the development focuses of the English subject
 proposing concrete and workable actions and using resources effectively and/or strategically through writing a "SMART" subject plan
 establishing monitoring and/or evaluation mechanisms to ensure the successful implementation of the subject plan
3:30pm - 3:40 pm
Part 1: Introduction
Introducing the CLD programme
Introducing the Kotter's 8-step change model and how completing corresponding panel tasks can be transformed to a learning journey
3:40pm - 4:00 pm
Part 2: Conducting needs analysis
 Introducing the first stage of the Kotter's 8-step change model: Creating a climate for change
 Conducting a SWOT analysis to review whether the goal of "suspending classes without suspending learning" in the schools had been achieved
 Offering tips and factors to consider while conducting needs analysis
 Exploring the respective nature of and differences among strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities so as to inform subject planning
4:00 pm - 4:25 pm
Part 3: Planning of the English subject
 Identifying targets through using data effectively
 Identifying concrete measures which align closely with the targets set
 Defining success criteria with reference to the SMART principle
 Establishing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms by using relevant evaluation methods and tools and stating the timeline for different tasks
4:25 pm - 4:45pm
Part 4: Putting subject plan into action
 Making use of panel meetings to build a shared vision among panel members and monitor the implementation of the subject plans
Part 5: Conclusion
It is of great importance to make strategic planning with the involvement of the whole panel in the subject planning process.