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Activity Highlights

Curriculum Leadership Development (CLD) Programme for Primary and Secondary English Language Teachers (2022/23)

Year-end Celebration


Members of the CLD programme (2022/23) with the officers of the Language Learning Support Section


Date: 30 June 2023 (Friday)

Time: 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Venue: S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School

Target participants: Members of the CLD Programme (2022/23)

Facilitators: Dr Janet Ho and Ms Amy Fan (Language Learning Support Section)


Mr Chan Ming-wai, Jacob (NTHYK Tai Po District Secondary School)

Mr Lee Kwok-tsun, Marco and Ms Yip Pui-yan, Queenie (S.K.H. Kei Fook Primary School)

Mr Tong Chi-man, John, Mr Ko Wing-hang, Derek George and Mr So Wai-lun, Alan (Tak Sun Secondary School)

Ms Lai Siu-ling, Margaret and Mr Wong Chi-ho, Otis (The Hong Kong Eng Clansman Association Wu Si Chong Memorial School)

The CLD Year-end Celebration aimed to:

  • enhance CLD school members’ capability of using data and evidence to evaluate work effectiveness and promote continuous self-improvement; and
  • celebrate CLD school members’ achievements in promoting the development of the English subject in their schools.

2022/23 in retrospect

The event kicked off with the CLD school members revisiting their learning journey through a slide show.

Plenary sharing session

A total of eight speakers from four CLD schools shared their achievements in 2022/23 through demonstrating how the Kotter’s 8-step change model was applied in their respective schools and explaining to the audience how their achievements would be sustained. Participants of the event were invited to give feedback on the four presentations.

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Poster presentation and feedback

This session aimed to develop CLD school members’ conceptualisation and presentation skills, and provided them with an opportunity to exchange ideas and experience. The participants shared the strategies deployed to address their respective development focus.

Participants sharing A4 posters, receiving feedback and engaging in professional discussions

Participants sharing A4 posters, receiving feedback and engaging in professional discussions

Participants sharing A4 posters, receiving feedback and engaging in professional discussions

Participants sharing A4 posters, receiving feedback and engaging in professional discussions