Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Findings & Analysis

Findings Content


Analysis and evidence

Teachers’ awareness and techniques for using effective questioning and feedback in classroom learning and teaching were raised.

The school promoted questioning and feedback techniques as the development focus. Teachers attended workshops to enrich their knowledge. Besides knowledge building, they focused on the application of questioning and feedback techniques in teaching through co-planning, lesson observation and discussion with LLSS officer.

During lesson preparation periods, officer and teachers discussed the Bloom’s Taxonomy and the techniques of using questions and giving feedback. Teachers were eager to raise their concerns and share their experience.

Pre and post questionnaires were also given to all S2 students (nearly 200 students) to ask for their opinions on teachers’ questioning and feedback giving. Though not much change was found from the results of the pre and post questionnaires (most of the differences were less than 0.04 out of 4), more significant positive changes were seen in the following questions:
“My teacher always allows us enough time to think before we reply.” (2.82 increased to 2.92)
“My teacher always gives feedback for our answers.” (3.04 increased to 3.12)
“I always know why the answers I give during lessons are correct/wrong.” (2.76 increased to 2.86)

In our evaluation meeting, teachers also viewed video clips taken from their lessons and evaluated the effectiveness of the use of questions and feedback in learning and teaching. Teachers could identify the strengths and weaknesses of the lessons and give feedback to one another. This kind of sharing can definitely benefit teacher development.

Students were able to express their feelings and opinions in their film review. Students were also confident to present their work in class.

Students could review the film from different perspectives. Students not only made a clear account of the plot, they also talked about the theme, the characters, the sound effect and their own likes or dislikes.

The discussions helped students gather more ideas from peers and the teacher. The extensive use of open questions to invite students to express their thoughts and feelings motivated students to participate in the learning process.? The thoughtful use of questions and feedback also provided challenge for students to exercise critical thinking skills in working out ideas. The process helped students explore the themes like whether having superpower is good, the family concept and self esteem.

Students were also confident to present their film review in class.
Student presentation 1
Student presentation 2

Assessment for learning was achieved through students’ good understanding of the assessment criteria and constructive feedback from peers and teacher.

The assessment criteria were made well-known to students to help them prepare for the writing task and the speaking task.

Instead of giving the assessment criteria by teacher, students were asked to produce a checklist for their film review. Students thought about what a good film review is and decided what should be included in the review. That can promote students’ ownership in learning.

The clear assessment criteria also enabled students to assess themselves and their peers. Peer assessment was promoted. Students were invited to give their comments in class. Though students were not very familiar in giving feedback, they were able to identify some good points or room for improvement for their peers. Peer assessment and teacher’s feedback can heighten students’ awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses.
Feedback giving

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