Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> R & D Background

Teaching gifted children in regular classrooms
All children and youth must master basic skills and core content. As they reach mastery, they need and deserve opportunities to continue learning at challenging levels. For all children to make progress, teachers should differentiate learning experiences and remove the learning ceiling, allowing a student who is ready to learn at a faster pace and more complex level to continue learning each day. Once the learning ceiling has been removed, students can become the best leaner they can be. When gifted students “rarely or never get to work on highly challenging tasks, they slowly lose confidence in their ability to take on difficult projects” (Winebrenner, 1992).  When infused carefully and in an informed way into the curriculum, Gifted Education elements benefit not only those “gifted” but also all learners,  This much was stated in Education Department’s Gifted Education Policy Paper in Hong Kong SAR (2000) “The mission of education is to ensure that the educational needs of all students are met so that their potential, no matter where they lie in the ability spectrum, can be maximally developed.”

School background
Baptist (Shatin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School is a co-education school with a number of high ability students. Five P6 classes where involved in the project.

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