Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Action Plan

Learning objectives

The purpose of this unit was to provide students with the opportunities to:

  1. communicate with foreigners on the subject of travelling in Hong Kong in an authentic situation,
  2. experience the importance of English as an international language which enables them to communicate with foreigners from different countries;
  3. gain more confidence in speaking English in preparation for conducting meaningful SBA discussions in NSS; and
  4. become more engaged in their English lessons.


Target language and skills


1 - 2

  1. Vocabulary building:
    • tourist attractions in HK
    • things to do as tourists in HK
  2. Speaking skills:
    • language for expressing, agreeing & disagreeing opinions
      • I think …. What do you think?
      • So do I!/I agree with you. I also think…
      • Well, I'm not so sure. I think…
    • reading aloud descriptions and names of tourist attractions
  3. Listening skills:
    • recognising names of tourist attractions
  4. Writing skills:
    • writing a shape poem about a tourist attraction


  1. Group competition:
    • Students watched "Hong Kong – Live it. Love it!", a promotional video by HK Tourism Board to identify
      • as many tourist attractions shown on it as they could
      • as many things tourists can do in HK as they could
  2. Students learnt vocabulary of tourist attractions in Hong Kong.
  3. Students played a card game matching tourist attractions with descriptions about them.
  4. Students learnt phrases and useful expressions for agreeing and disagreeing with others during discussions.
  5. Students played a bingo game to recycle the words they had learnt about tourist attractions in Lesson 1.
  6. Students wrote a shape poem about a tourist attraction to recycle what they know about the place.


  1. Reading skills:
    • reading with purpose
    • reading for specific information
  2. Vocabulary building:
    • forms of transport

  1. Grammar:
    • prepositions of place
    • prepositions indicating means of transport
  2. Speaking skills:
    • doing a presentation on a tourist attraction of choice
      • opening and closing
      • organising ideas
  1. Jigsaw reading: Students read different texts for specific information about different tourist attractions and helped each other to complete the worksheet about the following:
    • special features
    • how to get there
    • what can be done there
  2. Students revisited the grammar points relevant to the tasks.
  3. Students learnt the basic organisation of a presentation in class.
  4. Guessing game: Groups described the tourist spots they would like to visit most for the other groups to guess which place it was.


  1. Vocabulary: recycling the names of HK tourist attractions and tourist activities learnt in previous lessons
  2. Reading for specific information
  3. Vocabulary and knowledge building: Stanley as a popular tourist attraction
  1. A game: Teacher read sentences about a tourist attraction and students who had the card about it gave the card to the teacher. The first student who gave his/her card to the teacher was the winner.
  2. Students read a text about Stanley to find out about:
    • its special features
    • how to get there
    • what can be done there

5 - 6

  1. Grammar:
    • revising "wh-" questions
  2. Writing skills:
    • setting questions for a questionnaire
  3. Speaking and listening skills:
    • asking and answering questions on the questionnaire

Preparation for outing

  1. Teacher interviewed students using the sample questionnaire.
  2. Students completed a dialogue about an interview in pairs and learned useful phrases and expressions for doing an interview.
  3. Students practised conducting the interview in pairs with the completed dialogue and role cards (controlled / free).  
  4. Students revisited the structure of questions.
  5. Students designed their own questionnaire in groups for use during the outing.
  6. Teacher explained the guidelines and the content of their group project related to the outing.
  7. Assignment: Students practised conducting the interview based on the questionnaire they set.


  1. Speaking and listening skills: conducting an interview

Mock interviews in covered playground

  1. Students conducted interviews with non-English teachers in the covered playground who played the role of tourists and practised taking notes based on the group's questionnaire.

1 Day

  1. Speaking and listening skills
    • conducting an interview
    • note-taking
  2. Writing skills
    • A short description about their favourite spot in Stanley
    • writing photo captions

The English Outing Learning Day

  1. Conducting the interview: Each student interviewed 2 - 4 English speaking foreigners.
  2. Students had to take photos of popular tourist spots in Stanley.
  3. Assignments:
    • Each student had to write about his or her favourite spot in Stanley and illustrate the place with the photos  taken during the outing. They had to write a caption for each photo. Their writing, photos and captions would be part of their group's report about the outing.

8 - 9

  1. Speaking skills:
    • reporting survey findings
    • revising language for expressing, agreeing & disagreeing with opinions
    • reading aloud
  2. Reading & listening skills
    • reading and listening for main ideas
  3. Writing skills:
    • writing a survey report
  1. Each group prepared their survey report and then presented their findings in class.
  2. In groups, students read aloud their writing about their favourite spot in Stanley and showed each other the photos while the other group members jotted notes about their presentation.
  3. The students then selected the best piece of writing in their group and the teacher asked a member from the group at random to tell the class about the best piece of work in their group.
  4. Class survey: The class voted for the most popular spot and activities in Stanley.
  5. Teacher taught students the features of photo captions in class and class wrote the captions for their photos.
  6. Assignment: Students completed their group project.


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