Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Action Plan

Unit: "Food – Healthy Meals and Eating Habits"
Level of students: P5
Classes involved: 4
Approaches adopted:

  • Use of goal-setting activities for developing students' self-management skills
  • Use of language arts texts such as poems and stories to help students express feelings about how to lead a healthy life through good eating habits
  • Inclusion of students' own reflections, classmates' reflections and teachers' reflections on eating habits and healthy life-style over a period of time for values development

Learning outcomes:

In the unit, students were expected to achieve the following outcomes:

Students should be able to:

  • distinguish good eating habits from poor ones by applying knowledge learned about the food pyramid
  • describe different quantities of food such as "a lot of" "a few" "a little" in meals
  • use past tense in the diary entries to describe feelings and the food eaten
  • use present tense and make evaluative comments such as "you eat too much…./too little/too few/enough……You have healthy/unhealthy eating habits…."
  • set simple goals to improve their eating habits
  • create simple poems to describe their feelings about healthy/unhealthy food for promotional posters
  • design healthy diets for their peers by using language items such as "For breakfast/lunch/dinner, you can eat a lot of/a little/a few………"
  • create stories in groups about how to

Learning products to be generated in the eat-well-and-be-fit festival:

  • Health logs with keep-fit goals to be set
  • Food poems
  • Promotional posters
  • Healthy diets to be designed for peers based on health logs
  • Stories about living a healthy life

Pre-task activities and the task

Suggested pre-tasks & tasks

L/T strategies used


I. Pre-task activities on getting to know my eating habits

  • Get to know the context and purpose of the tasks and the assessment criteria for them.
  • Brainstorm names of food eaten in different meals. Learn the vocabulary items using PowerPoint and consolidation exercises.
  • Read authentic menus and advertisements to learn more about different kinds of food (*more able students can read more authentic materials). Play a memory game (healthy & unhealthy food) by putting the food under different categories in groups.
  • Read short articles. Discuss the issue of obesity and unhealthy eating habits in class. Brainstorm possible consequences of obesity.
  • Learn the food pyramid to become more health conscious. Make use of the language items "a lot of", "a little" and "a few" by referring to the types of food in the food pyramid.
  • Categorise names of food learned into different levels using the food pyramid.Discuss eating habits in class.
  • Tell students to conduct a mini-study on their own eating habits using health logs.
  • Get to know how to complete the health logs by looking at the sample. Write diary entries about the food eaten for eight days to gather data for reflection and discussion.


-Language games &/or songs
-Use of I.T. for teaching



II. Pre-task activities – Preparing for promotional products for the health festival

  • Read acrostic poems and poems with free verse (*more able students can read all eight poems) about healthy meals / healthy eating habits with gestures. With teachers' demonstrations, develop phonological awareness and intonation using the food poems in the PowerPoint.
  • Create one's own poem and print it on promotional posters and / or cards for the health festival.
  • Read the play in the textbook. Do the comprehension questions. Learn how to write simple stage directions.
  • Based on the given scenarios, create short plays in groups about how to become healthy and fit.


-Group work
-Drama competition -Language arts activities
-Use of I.T. for teaching


III. Pre-task activities – Designing healthy diets and setting keep-fit goals

  • Learn such language items as "(not) too much…", "(not) too many….", "too little", "too few" and "enough…." to make evaluative comments using pictures and games. Make use of authentic and textbook materials to consolidate the language items learned.
  • Discuss the health logs in groups and take turns to comment orally on classmates' health logs. Share with group members one's own eating habits based on the data collected in the mini-study. Write feelings about peers' health logs. Write one's own feelings after doing the health logs. Obtain written feedback from teachers on health logs
  • Set goals for oneself after getting advice from peers for improving eating habits (e.g. I will eat more…., less…., a lot of…., a little, etc.)

-Group work
-Language games


Co-curricular activity – Holding the Health Festival – Eat Well and Be Fit

Task - Create promotional posters and short stories in groups. Group members work as Mr and Miss Health and use the promotional products for doing publicity work in other groups. Use the stories, posters and poems to persuade classmates to cultivate healthy eating habits.



Approx 2 hours


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