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Activity Highlights

Integration of Values Education into English Language Learning
– A Showcase of Effective School Practices


A showcase of school practices on values education


Date: 22 March 2024 (Friday)

Time: 2:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Venue: SKH Kei Fook Primary School

Target participants: Principals, vice-principals, primary school curriculum leaders, panel heads, coordinators and teachers

Guest speakers: English teachers of SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary School and Islamic Dharwood Pau Memorial Primary School, students of Fanling Public School, Kwun Tong Government Primary School (Sau Ming Road) and The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy (Primary Division), Mr William Cheng, Ms Amy Poon, Ms Florence Yip, Mr Max Tsang and Ms Connie Tsang

The territory-wide professional development activity on integration of values education into English language learning held on 22 March showcased a variety of good practices on values education (including national education and national security education). The activity has two objectives:

To explore how to:

  1. organically integrate multifarious values education-related learning experiences into the school’s English Language curriculum for a language and values-rich environment; and
  2. enable students to act on proper values and attitudes through reflections and real actions.
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The professional development activity kicked off with an introduction to values education, one of the Major Renewed Emphases. A prelude to the case presentations, students’ voice and poster session was given to show how teachers can plan and implement values education in multifarious ways.

School case presentation 1
The sharing focused on the school’s journey of empowering English Language teachers to promote values education and national security education and how teachers cultivated proper values and attitudes among students from the perspectives of individuals, society, the country and the world.

Students’ voice
During the students’ voice segment, students from three primary schools acted on proper values and attitudes through reflections and actions.

Poster session 
A highlight of the event was the poster session, during which teachers from twelve primary schools shared their experience in cultivating proper values and attitudes among students. Posters , unit/module plans and materials, and students’ work on four themes were exhibited.

School case presentation 2
The school case focused on how to promote values education through embracing student diversity. Through integrating the target proper values and attitudes organically into their curriculum and engaging students in well-aligned meaningful and communicative language tasks in different values-driven modules, P1 students learnt to appreciate one another’s unique ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and took action to show respect for one another and Chinese culture.

The event concluded with timely advice highlighting the importance of the following to maximise the impact of values education on students:

  1. organic integration of values education with other elements in the school English Language curriculum;
  2. cross-curricular links;
  3. space for individual students to delve into the target values; and
  4. use of learner diversity to leverage the promotion of values education.
Introduction Case 1 Case 2 Conclusion
Introduction Case 1 Case 2 Conclusion