聯招申請 2012-2013




為了方便學校集體上載推薦書到大學聯招的網上系統及整理「學生學習概覽」的資料,「網上校管系統」已進行了更新,以支援學校所需。相關的培訓工作坊會定期進行。有關「網上校管系統」的技術支援服務,建議學校聯絡教育局網上校管系統相關的學校聯絡主任。有關大學聯招事宜,請致電2859 2274或瀏覽網址 http://www.jupas.edu.hk


  1. 佛教黃允畋中學
  2. 香港真光書院
  3. 樂善堂余近卿中學
  4. 聖母書院
  5. 南亞路德會沐恩中學
  6. 聖公會李炳中學
  7. 聖公會聖馬利亞堂莫慶堯中學
  8. 鄧鏡波學校
  9. 賽馬會毅智書院
  10. 匯基書院

1. 「學生學習概覽」(SLP)與「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」表格(OEA表格)有何分別?
答︰「學生學習概覽」(SLP)是記錄學生高中階段所有校內學科成績、「其他學習經歷」、校外的表現/獎項以及學生的自述,是大部份專上院校審視申請人全人發展的 參考資料。「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」資料(OEA表格)是大學聯合招生辦法要求申請人提交最多10項於學術成績以外的成就資料。「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」資料實為「學生學習概覽」的重點摘要,學生須參考其「學生學習概覽」以填寫「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」資料。

 2. 學生在填報大學聯招的「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」表格(OEA表格)時,是否所有資料需來自「學生學習概覽」?

3. 不遞交「學生學習概覽」給院校有何後果?

 4. 對於如何以「學生學習概覽」的「學生的自述」作為基礎來撰寫大學聯招的「附加資料」,有那些具體建議?

 5. 對於如何撮取活動資料來填報大學聯招「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」表格(OEA表格),有沒有相關指引?

 6. 學生若想從「學生學習概覽」中撮取資料到大學聯招申請表,「網上校管系統」可提供相關的支援服務嗎?
答︰教育局在「網上校管系統」的「學生學習概覽」模組下,增設了一個子模組「JUPAS application」。學生可從「學生學習概覽」撮取相關資料來填報大學聯招的「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」表格(OEA表格)。

 7. 我校使用坊間購買的系統/自行研發的系統來處理活動資料,我們能否使用「網上校管系統」的子模組「JUPAS application」?
答︰你可以將學生的活動資料及「學生的自述」匯入「網上校管系統」中的「學生學習概覽」模組,並利用其子模組「JUPAS application」來處理大學聯招相關的數據。

 8. 透過「網上校管系統」「學生學習概覽」模組的子模組「JUPAS application」,是否只可根據一次評核紀錄來處理學生的學科成績? 除此以外,還有其他途徑可參考多次評核紀錄嗎?

 9. 「學生學習概覽」的「學生的自述」是否有字數限制?可否與OEA看齊?


JUPAS Application 2012-13

For the new JUPAS arrangement in 2012, an OEA form (Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities) and a School Reference Report are designed to gather information about the students and to capture their learning experiences, including the Other Learning Experiences, for reference by universities. From 2013 onwards, applicants are advised to complete the OEA form, which is part of the JUPAS application via the JUPAS online application system.

From March to July 2011, EDB was in collaboration with Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters to conduct a series of workshops to address the needs of class teachers, career teachers, OLE/SLP coordinators, vice-principals and principals in preparing students for JUPAS application. For content details of the workshops and seminar, please refer to the Teacher Professional Development Resources.

Students could make reference to their Student Learning Profile in filling up the OEA form and upload their SLPs for reference by universities optionally. Through the WebSAMS, school can upload the School Reference Report by batch.

WebSAMS was enhanced to provide necessary support to schools for uploading and maintaining the information to JUPAS. Relevant training workshops will be conducted timely by EDB to provide further support to schools. For technical support on WebSAMS, schools are advised to contact their respective liaison officers of EDB. For support on JUPAS, please contact 2859 2274 or visit their web site at http://www.jupas.edu.hk

There are several school examples which have designed their plans for the S.6 students of 2011/12:

  1. Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
  2. Hong Kong True Light College
  3. Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School
  4. Our Lady's College
  5. SALEM - Immanuel Lutheran College
  6. SKH Li Ping Secondary School
  7. SKH St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College
  8. Tang King Po School
  9. The Jockey Club Eduyoung College
  10. United Christian College
Some feedbacks for the enquiries regarding the use of SLP and WebSAMS in JUPAS Application:

1. What is the difference between SLP and OEA?
Ans: SLP is a summary presentation of student’s whole person development including student’s information of academic performance in school, other learning experiences, performance/awards gained outside school and student’s “self-account”. SLP could be used as reference documents to demonstrate their personal qualities and competence to tertiary education institutions. OEA information is to facilitate participating institutions of JUPAS to consider applicants' performances in activities in addition to their academic results, Applicants should make reference to their own SLPs when completing the OEA form.

 2. Should all JUPAS OEA items be extracted from SLP?
Ans: Students could make reference to their SLPs in filling up the OEA form. SLP is a good foundation for planning for future studies and career. However, it is not a must for students to extract all OEA items from SLP. Students could, at their own discretion, include other information in the OEA form for JUPAS application if appropriate.

3. What is the consequence if I do not submit my SLP?
Ans: SLP, which provides additional information on students’ whole-person development, is of good reference value during the admission process. Universities and tertiary education institutions will have full discretion on how the broader range of information in SLP can be used in the light of knowing individuals’ capabilities and personal qualities that will likely enable them to benefit from undergraduate or tertiary education. In general, SLP could be an important source of additional reference information during the selection process and used as a framework for discussions during interviews. Applicants may refer to the websites of the participating institutions for more information on admission criteria.

 4. Is there any recommendation on how to write the JUPAS Additional Information based on students' SLP self-account?
Ans: In students' SLP self-account, students may provide information to highlight any aspects of their learning life and personal development during or before senior secondary education to ‘tell their own stories of learning’. This could be served as a basis in providing the content and presentation to draft the JUPAS Additional Information to provide information on their interests and achievements. Please note that Additional Information aims at allowing students to provide additional information and a fuller picture of their personal development during their secondary schooling and NOT at testing applicants' language skills.

 5. Are there any guidelines to extract the activity information for OEA form?
Ans: Students could make reference to their SLPs in filling up the OEA form. Students are recommended to include those activities that could best reflect their whole-person development and demonstrate their future aspirations. It is the quality, rather than quantity, that matters in activities.

 6. Are there any support in WebSAMS in extracting relevant information from SLP to prepare for JUPAS application?
Ans: A sub-module “JUPAS Application” under SLP module of WebSAMS has been launched in August 2011. Students could extract relevant information from their SLPs in preparing the OEA information. Schools could verify on WebSAMS interface and extract the information in JUPAS required format for uploading on JUPAS portal.

 7. My school is using market tools / self-developed tools to handle activity information. Could we make use of WebSAMS "JUPAS Application" sub-module?
Ans: You may import the data of students' activities and self-account into SLP module of WebSAMS and make use the sub-module "JUPAS Application" to process the data required by JUPAS.

 8. The sub-module "JUPAS Application" under SLP module of WebSAMS could only generate percentile from one assessment. What other way could be used to generate the percentile from more than one assessment?
Ans: Schools could export any no. of assessments from WebSAMS. This could be used as reference to generate the percentile that could best reflect students’ academic performance.

 9. Is there any word limits for the “self-account” of SLP? Can it be the same as OEA?
Ans: There is no word limits in the “self-account” of SLP. The word limits of “self-account” is subject to school’s own policy. Schools can set the word limits in “self-account” at their own discretion to promote whole person development or career aspiration.

這個網站是為協助教師計劃高中的「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」而設立。建基在學校現有的優勢上,教師可使用這網站內有關的學校例子,以及社區資源去考慮如何更有效地推行「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」。本網站資源的版權屬教育局及相關機構所有,惟學校可下載作教學(非商業及非牟利)及參考用途。如有查詢,請致電2892 6242。

This website is established to help teachers plan the school-based OLE and SLP under the senior secondary curriculum. Building on the existing school practices, teachers could make use of the school examples and community resources as reference to consider how OLE and SLP could be implemented in an effective way. The copyright of the resources hosted in this website is co-owned by EDB and the organisations concerned. Schools could download the materials for learning and teaching (non-commercial and non-profit-making) and reference purpose. For enquiry, please contact us on 2892 6242.