Along with the promotion of STEAM education and enriching science learning at junior secondary level, as well as strengthening I&T learning elements in lessons, the Education Bureau (EDB) is now launching three new sets of “Science (S1-3) STEAM Learning Module” with a view to enhancing students’ interest and abilities in learning science and I&T through the “hands-on and minds-on” cross-disciplinary learning activities.
STEAM Learning Module
The STEAM learning modules for junior secondary science are divided into three modular topics which are closely linked with the topics in junior secondary (JS) science curriculum and daily life context, including “Innovation and Technology”, “Engineering Practices” and “Data Processing”. These STEAM learning modules include I&T investigative activities, engineering design & problem solving activities, and data processing exercises. Through these engaging learning activities, students could integrate and apply the knowledge and skills in science, mathematics and technology, and understand the basic concepts of engineering design. The learning activities will also enhance students’ understanding on the applications of science and I&T in daily life, and cultivate their problem solving skills and creative thinking.