1. 學生學習概覽例子 SLP examples
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2. 於2013年4月公佈高中課程及評估的最新修訂中,有關簡化「學生學習概覽」的建議包括取消個人自述部份的字數限制及容讓學生篩選合適的「其他學習經歷」。學校可因應其校情及根據大學聯招辦法的「比賽/活動的經驗及成就」表格(OEA)和專上課程電子預先報名平台(E-APP) 網上申請表格的需要設定「學生學習概覽」的內容。以下提供2012年或以前參考自學校真實個案的「學生學習概覽」例子。
The recommendations for fine-tuning the senior secondary curriculum and assessment were delivered in April 2013. With regard to streamlining Student Learning Profile (SLP), the recommendations include the
cancellation of word limit of self-accounts and allowing students to choose appropriate OLE records for their SLPs. Schools can customize a school-based SLP with reference to their school contexts as well as the OEA form for JUPAS application and E-APP online application. Examples of SLP adapted from authentic school cases for the year 2012 or before are provided in the following.

English version
  • Example

  • 例子甲


  • 例子乙


3. 學校描述活動的例子 Examples of activity description from schools

更新日期: 二零一七年七月二十四日
Updated: 24 Jul 2017

這個網站是為協助教師計劃高中的「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」而設立。建基在學校現有的優勢上,教師可使用這網站內有關的學校例子,以及社區資源去考慮如何更有效地推行「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」。本網站資源的版權屬教育局及相關機構所有,惟學校可下載作教學(非商業及非牟利)及參考用途。如有查詢,請致電2892 6242。

This website is established to help teachers plan the school-based OLE and SLP under the senior secondary curriculum. Building on the existing school practices, teachers could make use of the school examples and community resources as reference to consider how OLE and SLP could be implemented in an effective way. The copyright of the resources hosted in this website is co-owned by EDB and the organisations concerned. Schools could download the materials for learning and teaching (non-commercial and non-profit-making) and reference purpose. For enquiry, please contact us on 2892 6242.