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1. Visualizing - help pupils "see" the scenes, characters and actions of the story
2. Predicting - help pupils make logical guesses about what will happen next
3. Engaging - get pupils involved in the plot, action and characters in the story
4. Empathizing - help pupils identify with the feelings of the characters in the story
5. Elaborating - enable pupils to enrich the setting, plot, characters as well as the details of the story
6. Relating to real life - place the story in the real world so that pupils can relate the storyline to the incidents and people in their everyday lives

headline (1K)

So far, we have been dealing with the reading and listening aspects of using short stories in language teaching in the classroom. In the following sections, we will be talking about how we can use short stories to facilitate creative speaking and writing, and to promote critical thinking skills and cultural awareness. We will also take a brief look at how we can use short stories to work across the curriculum.


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