Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Purpose & Design


Working together to bridge the gap between primary and secondary levels


- To bridge the gap between P6 and S1 curricula

- To enhance teachers’ professional capacity building and improve students’ language proficiency of both schools

Assessment Tools

- Students' interview questionnaire

- Teachers' questionnaire

- Pre-project questionnaire

- Post-project questionnaire


Primary school: P1-P6 (whole school approach)

Secondary school: S2 & S3

Strategies used


Target group


Phase I (07-08)

Teachers of both schools

“Cross-fertilisation” between teachers of the two schools

Data analysis

In order to have a deeper understanding of and reflection on the current practices in teaching, learning and assessment, the officer collected and analysed data from various sources such as the primary and secondary curricula, the textbooks used, their schemes of work, the assessment tools, lesson observation and interviews of both students and teachers.

Inter-school lesson observation

Teachers of both schools had an opportunity to observe each other’s lessons and discuss afterwards.  This helped them to have a better understanding about the curricula and teaching and learning needs of both sectors.

Sharing and discussion

The teachers had an opportunity to sit together and exchange their ideas/experiences and difficulties encountered in curriculum planning and adapting the pedagogy to cater for learner diversity.

Inter-school activities

Primary school teachers and students were invited to attend the S2 story-telling competition allowing for better communication between the two schools. 

Phase II (08-09)

Students of both schools

"Cross-fertilisation" between students of the two schools through
a Cross-key Stage Speaking Enhancement Programme
27 S3 secondary students were engaged in speaking activities with 40 primary students in P4 & 5, helping them to prepare for a Readers’ Theatre competition.  This interaction benefited both groups of students in terms of their English proficiency but then the secondary students could also develop a sense of responsibility and leaderships skills.

Gaps identified

From our observation and data analysis, there were gaps identified in the communication between the two schools, the curriculum, teaching pedagogy and students’ learning. To enhance a smooth interface, we provided an opportunity for the professional exchange between the two schools’ teachers and students and we worked with St. John’s teachers to facilitate better curriculum planning and pedagogy adaptation.

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