Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Action Plan

Action Plan


Parties involved
Examples of materials
Identify text structures and relevant language items in the S1 and S2 curriculum for each subject.
Teachers in the LaC Committee

History text structures
Geography text structures

Select text structures for teaching in English and subject lessons.
Teachers in the LaC Committee
Create materials for English lessons, featuring the chosen text structures and comprehension strategies.
LLSS Officer and English teachers
Develop subject-based materials featuring the chosen text structures and comprehension strategies.
Subject teachers in LaC Committee
Implement materials based on text structures in the English lessons.
All English teachers
Implement materials based on text structures in subject lessons.
All teachers of subjects in the LaC Committee
Identify common prefixes, suffixes and roots in the different subject areas. Teachers in the LaC Committee
Teaching of the principle of affixation by English teachers in English lessons. English teachers
Develop vocabulary teaching strategies, with workshop for teachers and booklet with strategies and examples. Discuss approaches in panel meetings.
LLSS Officer, English teachers, teachers in LaC Committee
Develop subject-based materials containing strategies for teaching and practicing vocabulary in context.
Subject teachers in the LaC Committee
Implement vocabulary materials in subject lessons. All subject teachers
Gather information on students’ performance in examinations, make recommendations on setting of exams and preparation for students.
Teachers in LaC Committee
Guidance on setting exams: booklet for teachers
Share with all teachers in staff meeting.
LaC Committee Teachers
Prepare booklet for all teachers with guidance on setting exams and preparing students.
Teachers in LaC Committee, LLSS Officer
Set exams using strategies recommended in the booklet and gather evidence of student performance.
Teachers in LaC Committee

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