Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Findings & Analysis
1. Most students were able to find materials to suit their interests and level

In an online questionnaire, 72.1% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they had been able to select materials which they had enjoyed reading or viewing. Many students had chosen materials from the anthology on the school’s book list. However, they were also required to select texts for listening or viewing. Most chose YouTube videos and songs. Although students were given lists of recommended materials by teachers, some students commented in the online questionnaire that they would have liked more guidance in the selection of materials. This was the most common recommendation among students for the improvement of the project.

2. Most students were able to set reasonable goals

In the online questionnaire, 66.3% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they had been able to set reasonable goals for their studies. When asked what problems they had with achieving their goals, only 9.3% mentioned unreasonable goals. Work samples and written reflections also support this, as many students were quite specific in the goals they set for themselves. Support from teachers and the sample materials used for introducing the project also helped students to set appropriate goals.

3. Students have difficulty with ongoing monitoring and time-management

Although the majority of students were able to set reasonable goals, many said that they were not able to meet their targets. In the online questionnaire, 44.2% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that they were able to meet their targets (4 or 5 on a five-point scale), whereas 45.3% neither agreed nor disagreed (3 on a five-point scale). This result may suggest that the students were able to achieve some of their goals but not all. Their self-reflection statements also suggest that this is the case.

When asked what problems they had with achieving their goals, the most common reason given by students was too much homework from other subjects (72.1%), but 36% felt that distraction was also a significant reason.

Student comments suggest that more encouragement and monitoring by teachers during the course of the project would help them to meet their goals. For example, one student said "Keep encouraging students to achieve their goal" and another said, "I think teachers can always remind students to do this project."


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