Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Action Plan

Inside the classroom

In the textbook unit “Mapping My Future”, teachers introduced jobs and job requirements to students and taught them how to write an application letter for a job. In order to make learning more relevant to students’ needs, teachers guided students to understand their own career interests using a personality test adapted from Holland’s Occupational Personality Types. From the test results, students learned about what jobs might be suitable for them.

Students also thought and wrote about their dream jobs, what they needed to do to fulfill their dreams and what skills, values and attitudes they would need to develop in a reflection form to raise their career awareness.


Outside the classroom

Workplace visits and career talks were organised for S3 students in 2017/18 and 2018/19. Students of different classes visited different places. Before the visits, students learned the objectives of the activities and basic information about the industries and jobs. They also prepared some questions to ask during the visits.

Workplaces/ Institutions Career exploration activities Snapshots of activities

Civil Aviation Department (CAD) Education Path

The CAD representatives introduced CAD Headquarters, its functions and staff. They also introduced Hong Kong’s aviation community, airlines of Hong Kong, aircraft cabin design and safety features and air traffic control operations, etc.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)

The SPCA representatives introduced their work and conveyed the messages of pet care and animal welfare in their talk. They also introduced jobs related to animal care such as veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, inspectors, groomers and homing assistants. Students then toured around the centre to see the working environment.

A hotel in Kowloon

The hotel representatives offered a career talk on  hospitality industry. They introduced hotel organisational structure, services and jobs. They also told students what knowledge, skills and attitudes are important to work in a hotel. A tour was then conducted to let students see the lobby, the entertainment centre, restaurants and rooms. In the last part, students talked to the hotel staff in small groups and learned a lot from them.

Tuen Mun Public Riding School

The representatives of Tuen Mun Public Riding School promoted knowledge of and interest in equestrian sports among students. The visit included a talk on safety tips and job opportunities related to equestrian sports such as assistant trainers and stable assistants, and a wide array of activities such as stable visits, pony feeding and pony rides.

Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)

The MSTI representatives introduced the business nature of maritime services industry, career pathways, the courses offered and training facilities of the institute. Hands-on experience with the ship handling simulator was arranged for students to learn more about maritime training.

The Hong Kong School of Motoring

The representatives presented a career talk about the Vocational Training Council programmes and career development in Hong Kong School of Motoring. They also introduced road safety and career opportunities as drivers in Hong Kong. Students then toured around the school and tried driving simulation programmes.


After the workplace visits and career talks, students took part in a cross-curricular self-directed learning project. Students searched for career information and conducted surveys about the jobs they liked for the English project. They also produced job-related videos for the Visual Arts project. They then presented their work to schoolmates on the Career Information Day

Presentations on the Career Information Day

Different types of doctors

How to train yourself to be a good photographer

Qualities and skills needed to be a dancer

Job requirements of a hotel receptionist

Job duties of an air traffic controller

Challenges of being a captain or an engineer on a ship

Pictures captured from students’ videos (Visual Arts project)

“These are the medical records of the pet.”

“Come on! Follow me!”

“My dream is to become a pilot.”

“Sir, you may follow her to your room.”

“Emergency, N2019 has to land on runway 2.”

“I‘m from the Hong Kong School of Motoring. Here is our course brochure.”


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