Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Implications

The success of this project could provide some insights for schools that are at their initial stage of implementing values education in their school-based English Language curricula. 

Piloting before full implementation
It is advisible for teachers to explore new inititatives such as values education on a small or manageable scale at the initital stage. The core teachers at this school piloted connecting the school-based English Language curriculum with values education in one unit in P4 at first. Sufficient time was allowed for the teachers to consider the approaches to use and design the most appropriate student learning activities. They then made use of this experience to review and refine their approach and tried infusing the values education components again into a P5 unit. The knowledge and experience generated from the piloted units had empowered the core teachers to finally decide to integrate values education into all the other textbook units in P5 and their frontline experiences have inspired their colleagues to do the same at the other levels in the coming year. 
Making values education components an integral part of the English Language curriculum instead of treating them as add-ons
The goal of incorporating values education needs to be clearly defined in order to facilitate students’ learning of the target knowledge and skills in the school-based English Language curriculum. From the very beginning of the project, it had been established that only those values education components that could facilitate students’ achievement of the English learning objectives and enrichment of their learning experience would be included in the school-based curriculum. Since the project first started with the purpose of enhancing students’ writing performance, the values education components designed were often infused into either the scaffolding part of the unit to build the students’ knowledge and skills that were essential for them to complete the writing tasks, or some activities to enrich students’ knowledge of the topics.


Nurturing positive values and attitudes among students has long been one of the Four Key Tasks to be promoted in our school curriculum and it can be achieved through students’ learning of various subjects and diverse learning experiences. This pilot project has provided some insights for schools that are still at their initial stage of introducing values education in their school-based English Language curricula on how the learning of English and cultivation of positive values can be integrated to make students’ learning in both areas more effective. The strategies piloted in planning and designing the values education components will be employed to further connect values education with the school-based English Language curriculum at other levels in the coming years.


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