Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Purpose & Design

Purpose of the project

  1. To make values education an integral part of the school-based English Language curriculum
  2. To make students’ English learning experiences and values education complementary to each other

Objectives of the values education components in the project

The objectives of embedding the elements of values education into the school-based English Language curriculum were to:
  1. raise students’ awareness of the positive values embedded in life events and issues;
  2. help them make sound value judgements based on some moral standards or principles; and
  3. reinforce ethical behaviour among them through creating opportunities for them to uphold the priority values in their daily lives.



Strategies used

1. Connecting the seven priority values and attitudes with the themes of some teaching units

The Revised Civic and Moral Education Curriculum Framework (2008) recommends schools to nurture in their students the seven priority values and attitudes, which are “perseverance”, “respect for others”, “responsibility”, “national identity”, “commitment”, “integrity”, and ”care for others”. In order to select appropriate contexts for the learning activities to develop these values and attitudes among students, teachers referred to their school-based English Language curriculum and identified relevant themes of textbook units related to the seven priority values.

Seven Priority Values and Attitudes

(Source: Basic Education Curriculum Guide (P1-P6) - 3A Moral and Civic Education)

2. Using the life event approach to develop the target priority values

Life events and issues relevant to the themes of the textbook units or the related writing tasks were selected as the context of the learning experiences. Special attention was paid to ensure that these life events were related to students’ daily lives and interests. Some current issues that drew the attention of the community were also selected to ignite students’ interest and encourage them to care more about the world around them.

3. Integration of cognition, affection and action

"The writing tasks in the selected units were designed to create meaningful learning experiences for students at cognition, affection and action levels. At cognition level, teachers helped their students identify the values and attitudes embedded in life events and issues and make rational analyses and judgements. They also nurtured their students’ affective domain by developing their empathy, empowering them to uphold their values against challenges with perseverance and courage. Through action, students could build up and reinforce positive values and attitudes in real-life situations.

Integration of Cognition, Affection and Action

(Source: Basic Education Curriculum Guide (P1-P6) - 3A Moral and Civic Education)

4. Provision of holistic and balanced learning experiences for students to learn positive values and attitudes

Efforts were made to provide holistic and balanced learning experiences for students through making use of classroom activities, daily experiences and a conducive learning environment in covering the values education component of the teaching units. Learning activities such as students holding discussions to share ideas and making self-reflections were employed to deepen their understanding of the target values embedded in the life events and issues selected. Teachers also provided opportunities for their students to put the target positive values into practice in their daily lives. As for creating a conducive learning environment for developing their students’ positive values and attitudes, teachers not only did so during English lessons but also solicited parents’ participation at home so that students’ learning environment could be extended outside class time.

Major Components for the Implementation of Values Education

(Source: Basic Education Curriculum Guide (P1-P6) - 3A Moral and Civic Education)

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