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Learning Reflections
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School Name :

Cognitio College(H.K.)

Project Name : 「理財基本法 - 慳水慳 $」社區嘉年華會 (English translation: “Basic Financial Planning - Saving Money by Saving Water” Community Carnival")
Number of Core Students  : 12
Project Descriptions :

Students were offered an opportunity to prepare on their own a community carnival with environmental protection being its theme, which enabled them to learn autonomously. It is hoped that students can be benefited in terms of personal development and activity coordination through participation in the process, and can share what they learnt and felt with other students.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :
Stating from the very beginning, students can have the autonomy to set goals through planning and implementing activities.

Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection
Project Teacher
Self-directed learning
“This project was very effective in enhancing students’ self-directed learning.”

Core Members
Group communication
“I learnt the importance of group communication and realized that ‘Unity is strength’. Cooperation among team members also enhanced mutual understanding among fellow students.”
Negotiation and decision-making
“I have acquired discussion skills and have learnt how to effectively negotiate with other team members and make decisions during a meeting, which is very useful for me.”
To set objectives and define one’s role
“I have learnt how to set objectives for a project and define my role in organizing an activity. Through learning and gaining experience constantly, I will be able to set more specific objectives when preparing an activity in the future. I will also be more confident to achieve satisfaction caused by activities.”

* More schools learning reflection