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Project Details
Learning Reflections
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What are the objectives of the Student-LED project?
This project aims to:

  1. develop students’ reflective habit of learning to make meaning and foster connections with other prior knowledge or experiences; and
  2. facilitate students to acquire the practical knowledge in applying their learning to new situations.

What will you gain in each tier?
In Tier 1, a Professional Development Programme (PDP) is organised to facilitate teachers to prepare quality reflection worksheets, sessions or activities for students.

In Tier 2, a series of training workshops for principals, teachers and students is offered to facilitate participating schools to develop a quality Student-LED project that will make a real impact on students’ learning. Participating schools try out a school-based Student-LED project. In the course of the project, a project visit will be organised to initial a critical discussion with students and teachers to promote deep reflection. At the end of the project, students are given opportunity to conduct a poster presentation to conceptualise and display their learning reflection.

In Tier 3, pilot project will be started in 2011-2012 school year. In this tier, schools will adopt a whole school approach to foster favourable conditions to embed the reflective habits into school culture.

What does this project bring benefits to school learning culture?
This project could yield positive impacts on students’ reflective habits. Such impacts are profound that occurs as a result that students, teachers, and principals have built a sense of agency in learning. Students are empowered and motivated with a volitional disposition to initiate ideas, make plans and take action. They can make their own choices with a sense of direction towards deep learning under a supportive real-life environment. A learning community will be developed to support students’ learning, where students can reflect on their learning and are engaged in critical discourse on the impacts brought to them. In the course, students and teachers both contribute their personal experiences and share their learning to delineate their individualised learning experiences, in which they are co-constructing the knowledge gained in the project. Throughout the project, the learning reflections of students are manifested in the ways of ongoing project adjustments, critical dialogues about their learning, and poster presentations.

In order to sustain the development of reflective habits in learning, schools could promote a culture in the three aspects below:

System Learning Level
Schools foster the environment for learning and support the teachers’ development through professional dialogue and co-construct of knowledge.
Professional Learning Level
Teachers develop the capability to co-construct the experiences that yield profound impacts on students’ learning through the student-led approach.
Student Learning Level

Schools engage students as deep learners and facilitate students to foster the reflective habits.