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Learning Reflections
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School Name :

Sacred Heart Canossian College

Project Name : Caring through Respect - A Day with South Asian Kids
Number of Core Students  : 12
Project Descriptions :

The project follows our school motto which encourages our students to overcome difficulties with fortitude, be ready to share and sacrifice for others. This also accomplishes our school mission which aims at empowering our students to be girls of versatility, take responsibility and risk failure.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :
  • To enhance the students' leadership, we will try not to interfere in the students' discussion in order to let them be independent and take an active part.
  • It is important to encourage students to apply their previous knowledge and refer to available resources so as to form their opinions.
  • Boosting up interactive communication among the core students in order to generate ideas more efficiently is important.
  • Questions will be raised by us to help the core students to have better preparation for presenting their ideas to both a related organization and their schoolmates to start implementation stage.
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :

Project Teacher
Sense of agency in learning
“Although some problems arose during planning and implementation of the service, we have found that students gained a lot and tried to reflect from time to time in order to consolidate what they had learnt. They were able to do learning reflection and build a sense of agency in learning.”

Core Members
Self-understanding “After I have finished the whole service, I think I really improved a lot in terms of leadership, communication skills, self-learning and independent thinking skills. Despite all the pain and frustrations I experienced during the preparation and carrying out of the service, I have become more mature and capable to be a student leader in the future. The reflections I got from this project help me to have a clearer understanding about my own strengths and weaknesses and become more confident when facing challenges in the future.”
Goals-setting and reflection “From the workshop, I understand the importance of setting goals. Without goals, we are not able to carry out this service. We always remember each other about our aims in order to achieve it through this service. We should not carry out activities just because our teachers requested us but to reach our objectives. Every stage of this project needs evaluation. Reflection is more important than the result of the service. Reflection transforms experience into genuine learning about individual values and goals and about larger social issues.”

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