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Learning Reflections
Home > Participating Schools > School share >St. Margaret's Girls' College, Hong Kong

School Name :

St. Margaret's Girls' College, Hong Kong

Project Name : Elderly as Peers
Number of Core Students  : 10
Project Descriptions : The game added color to the elderly. The process trained members’ time management and money management, as well as their working quality and efficiency. They had a better understanding of the lives of the elderly and a new understanding of the elderly homes.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :
  • Teachers and students attend regular meetings to establish common goals, success criteria and reflection method.
  • Frequent interactions among teachers and students help building trust and understanding and facilitate internal communication
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :

Project Teacher
Reflective habit
“By trial and error, students overcame challenges and completed their program successfully. One of the objectives in student-LED project is to ‘develop students’ reflective habit of learning to make meaning and foster connections with other prior knowledge or experiences’, without question our students achieved it.”

Core Members
Impact of Ideas

“After this Student-LED Project, I found that ‘argument’was also one of the elements for success. Under the impact of different ideas, the team can come up with another proposal that everyone agree, making the project much better.”

Activity Designer

“At the beginning, the reason why I decided to join this project is to broaden my horizons as well as challenge myself and do something I have never done before. LED Project is different from other extra-curricular activities. There is no standard format or process so it provides students a high level of freedom. Since the students themselves are the activity designers.”

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