Abstract R & D Background Purpose & Design Action Plan Findings & Analysis Implications Remarks
> Action Plan

A. Process

2006-07 (Year 1of the project)
Level: P4 students

Stage 1: Diagnosis (Sept-Oct 2006)
To identify the needs of dyslexic students and keep profiles of students

  • collect information from student work, performance, and a test
  • categorize dyslexic features evident in the information collected
  • select a number of students with particular learning difficulties resembling dyslexia
  • record data on these focus students including samples of work to illustrate their problems and provide impressions of their interests and strengths

Stage 2: Modification and remediation (Nov 2006 onward)
To tailor unit plans and teaching packages

  • adjust objectives, core materials, teaching strategies, extra learning resources, and after class learning support
  • adjust learning packages to accommodate the needs of students by adapting materials, task demands, format of assignments and skills taught for different groups etc.

Stage 3: Assessment and evaluation (Jan 2007 onward)

  • collect information from student work, classroom performance and observation
  • assess the progress of student learning in collaborative planning meetings
  • repeat Stages 2 and 3

2007-08 (Year 2 of the project)
Level: the same cohort, now P5 students

The cycle of diagnosis, profiling, modification, remediation and assessment continues based on:

  • language learning problems peculiar to the focus students identified in P4 in 2006-2007
  • revisiting the literature for more strategies for addressing the problems observed
  • experimenting with strategies in the design and delivery of tasks and learning materials
  • continual monitoring of the performance and behaviour of the focus students and collecting samples of student work for assessment and evaluation

B. Output:

Teaching units

Main tasks

Strategies of

1. Sept 2006
Unit: Getting to know you

Students work in pairs to practise shopping in English.
Students learn the various kinds of food including healthy food, and junk food and the prices of goods in English

1. Selected strategies

2. Feb 2007
Food project

Students in groups produce a menu
Group presentations
Peer assessment  

2. Selected strategies

3. Sept 2007
Changes at home

The class reads an extract of a passage on TV talent shows.

Each student makes a book mark and indicates their expected ‘changes’ for the year in the bookmark using the sentence pattern: ‘I am going to…’ 

Each group makes a pet keeping manual.
They fill in the pages with the use of the target sentence pattern and draw some pictures as illustrations

3. Selected strategies

4. Dec 2007
School annual subject project- environmental protection

Each student produces a gentle reminder and all work to form a group sketch book

Students in groups record a conversation on environmental protection

 4. Selected strategies

5. Mar 2008

Students in groups make their group festival box and write a short introduction

Each group introduces their box to the rest of the class  

Each student writes about their favourite festival.

 5. Selected strategies

Others: penmanship practice is a regular exercise for P4/P5.
Teachers pointed out mistakes to students and gave individual coaching after class.



Gallery- student work


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