- - 教師培訓資料 Teacher Professional Development Resources - -

24/10/2008 - 08/12/2008 新高中「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」課程領導及管理培訓系列 : 推行校本「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」的策略與模式工作坊
Curriculum Leadership & Management Series for NSS - Other Learning Experiences (OLE) and Student Learning Profile (SLP) : Workshop on Approaches & Models of Implementing school-based OLE & SLP
  1. 「其他學習經歷」學習型領導
    Learning-centred Leadership of OLE
  2. 推動「其他學習經歷」的校本模式
    School-based Approaches in Implementing OLE
  3. 探討 「學生學習概覽」
    Exploring SLP (Student Learning Profile)
  4. 學校分享 — 樂善堂王仲銘中學
    School Sharing — Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
      SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
      Ma On Shan St. Joseph's Secondary School
      Po Kok Secondary School
      Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School
      SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School
      CCC Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School
10/11/2008 - 23/04/2009 新高中「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」課程領導及管理培訓系列:校本「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」優質領導工作坊
Curriculum Leadership and Management Series for NSS - Other Learning Experiences (OLE) and Student Learning Profile (SLP) : Quality Leadership workshop on school-based OLE and SLP
  1. 「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」優質領導工作坊內容簡報
    「Other Learning Experiences 」& 「Student Learning Profile」Quality Leadership workshop on school-based OLE and SLP Powerpoint presentation
26/05/2008 - 05/11/2008 教師專業培訓延伸系列之「社會服務」:(I) 長者服務

合辦機構 - 教育局 及 香港青年協會

Professional Extended Training Series for Teachers on 'Community Service': (I) Elderly Service

Jointly organised by EDB and HKFYG

  1. 新高中『其他學習經歷』之『社會服務』
  2. 香港安老服務
  3. 服務籌備及實際行動
  4. 整理及總結: 個人的學習經歷和得著
  5. 發展伙伴合作  提升服務質素
  6. 相關資料
24/10/2008-23/03/2009 尋找生命的色彩: 新高中科目選擇及個人抱負的探索
Finding Your Colours of Life: NSS Subject Choices and the Development of Career Aspirations
  1. 升學及就業輔導的主要原則
    Explore the key principles of career guidance
  2. 學生個人計畫的學習工具
    Learning tool in subject choices and the development of career aspirations
  3. 學校分享 — 香港神託會培敦中學
    School Sharing — Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School
      Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School
13/02/2009 - 28/04/2009 新高中「其他學習經歷」- 籌畫和設計「與工作有關的經驗」的策略
NSS Other Learning Experiences - Strategies in planning and designing Career-related Experiences
  1. 簡介
  2. 學校分享 — 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會鄭榮之中學
    School Sharing — Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College
      T.W.G.Hs. Kwok Yat Wai College
      Munsang College
      PLK 1983 Board of Directors' College
  3. 籌畫和設計「與工作有關的經驗」的策略
    Strategies in planning and designing Career-related Experiences
  4. 工作影子計畫工作坊示範
    Demonstration on Job Shadowing Workshop
09/10/2008 - 18/12/2008 使用網上校管系統的新SLP模組建立「學生學習概覽」
Using new SLP module of WebSAMS to create Student Learning Profile
  1. 簡介
  2. 工作坊手冊
    Manual for Workshop

2007-2008 年度資料
2006-2007 年度資料


這個網站是為協助教師計劃高中的「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」而設立。建基在學校現有的優勢上,教師可使用這網站內有關的學校例子,以及社區資源去考慮如何更有效地推行「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」。本網站資源的版權屬教育局及相關機構所有,惟學校可下載作教學(非商業及非牟利)及參考用途。如有查詢,請致電2892 6242。

This website is established to help teachers plan the school-based OLE and SLP under the senior secondary curriculum. Building on the existing school practices, teachers could make use of the school examples and community resources as reference to consider how OLE and SLP could be implemented in an effective way. The copyright of the resources hosted in this website is co-owned by EDB and the organisations concerned. Schools could download the materials for learning and teaching (non-commercial and non-profit-making) and reference purpose. For enquiry, please contact us on 2892 6242.