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Learning Reflections
Home > Participating Schools > School share > St. Margaret’s Girls’ College, Hong Kong

School Name :

St. Margaret’s Girls’ College, Hong Kong

Project Name : 我和老友記有個約會 (English translation: A “rendezvous” with the elderly)
Number of Core Students  : 12
Project Descriptions :

Through the activity of elderly visit, the objective of this project echoes our School’s theme of “Becoming an Active Learner”. Our expected learning outcomes can help us improve and design a school-based policy for other learning experiences.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :

  • Ability to conduct independent exploration
  • Self-directed learning
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :
Project Teacher
Professional learning: student autonomy

“It has changed our perspective on teaching and learning….to give my students the autonomy to run with their own idea.”

Core Members
Students can only learn with reflection
“I found that self-reflection is actually very important. We should always consider whether the project details meet the needs of our target service users in terms of various aspects. Also, we should pay attention to the blanks left (aspects not yet considered) as this enables us to acquire more skills such as analytical skills. In addition, we may not actually learn from the experience we underwent and therefore, we should keep reflecting and improving ourselves from time to time.”
To experience deep learning
“I realized that what we normally thought and did were merely superficial. We could not find out the fundamental problems. Also, we did not realize the need to reflect on our own problems to make further investigation.”
To challenge themselves to improve the quality of the project
“Throughout the project, we think attitude is also one of the learning aspects of the project. We thought attitude is one of the main problems due to our passion towards the project. It greatly decreased our sense of involvement to the projects. After the review, we all agreed that proactive and devotion are the main factors for us to get improved.”
To reflect on mistakes
“We learnt the importance of self-reflection. This project has taught us to reflect on what we have done. It is important to accept the fact that it is absolutely normal to make mistakes. What matters the most, it is not the number of mistakes you made, but rather what we can learn from these mistakes.”

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