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Learning Reflections
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School Name :

China Holiness Church Living Spirit College

Project Name : 大哥哥大姐姐計劃:視藝、數學摘星班 (English translation: Big Brothers and Big Sisters Scheme: Capture Star Classes of Visual Arts and Math)
Number of Core Students  : 7
Project Descriptions :
By offering English teaching services to primary students in the same community, their reflective ability can be improved and their learning, interpersonal and problem-solving skills can be enhanced. The outcomes of learning experiences can be shared with more students and even the whole school through this project so as to motivate more students to engage in deep reflection.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :

  • Leadership
  • Responsibility
  • Planning activity
  • Adaptability to changing circumstance
  • Communication
  • Patience
  • Problem-solving in management, time constrain and limited resources
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection : 
Active and cooperative learning pattern: Blueprint for school development in OLE
“Such active and cooperative learning pattern can actually speed up their development. This makes us feel comfortable to designate the students to be the designer of their own learning experience in order to achieve a learning pattern which better aligns with their objectives, interests and can motivate their eagerness to be dedicated.”

Project Teacher
Professional development
“I had the opportunity to share my afterthoughts, understanding and perspectives about teaching with my counterparts in different peer schools in numerous teachers’ workshops. There was also room for me to reflect on my personal teaching. Such opportunity was valuable.”

Core Members
Leadership; Communication
“After this activity was completed, my greatest reward was realizing the way to be a good leader. In my opinion, a good leader should be able to care about the feelings of the team members. It is our objective to enhance students’ qualities. This can hardly be achieved if anyone of them fails to cooperate. In addition, the concept of hierarchy should be put aside during healthy discussions among team members. Otherwise, they will not have the courage even to express excellent ideas lest they should be turned down. I learnt that making decisions assertively are necessary in case of disputes among team members. Without consensus, it is difficult to settle the disputes or to proceed with the activity. Furthermore, I learnt various communication skills. Apart from communicating with team members, it is also necessary to communicate with the principal, visitors, teachers from different schools and primary students, and the communication skills used with these parties are varied.”
To develop reflective habits
“I learnt one thing from this Student-LED activity which is more important than what I learnt from other activities, that is, we have to learn how to reflect on experiences in addition to making sufficient preparation for an activity. For any activity, it is essential for us to reflect on its deficiencies and areas for improvement, the benefits obtained it, and our own progress and improvement during any stage of the activity. Advancement and self-criticism can only be made after reflection. As a result of this activity, I learnt that perfection can only be achieved by consistent reflection, self-criticism and improvement.”

* More schools learning reflection