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Learning Reflections
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School Name :

Queen's College

Project Name : Peer Counselling Project
Number of Core Students  : 10
Project Descriptions :
Our School’s major concerns include (i) Leadership Development of Students and (ii) Mutual life-enhancement through showing and earning respect. It is believed that the habit of reflective learning escalates the awareness and application of invaluable experience that students encounter in various processes. The students are expected to be proactive in learning through peer concern and guidance schemes (PCGS) and OLE activities. They are to seek for personal growth and make full use of corresponding experience to be effective leaders and life-mentors.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :
  • Cultivate among students the attitudes and abilities of reflective learning so that they can be role models to facilitate the personal growth of the juniors through the peer concern and guidance schemes (PCGS).
  • The personal growth record, monthly reflection record, and monthly sharing sessions enhance the recognition of shared learning objectives and successful criteria.
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :

Project Teacher
Deep learning
“Participating in the project, students are aware of identifying the needs of the targets before planning for the programs. They evaluate not only the effects of the activities, but also the experience gained in the process. Students have more deep learning in their personal development. However, the transfer of learning to attain deep learning in academic pursuit is not prominent.”

Core Members
Reflect and Integrate “Reflect and integrate all we learnt throughout the year, a comprehensive and in-depth yearly review is essential. Last time’s reflection process with instructors and all members, we can calmly reflect and review all the activities in this year and learn from the valuable experience, gain knowledge and exchange our thinking so that everybody can benefit from it. This reflection activity really provides an effective and comprehensive communication platform, so that all of us can integrate the valuable experiences throughout the year and use in our entire life.”
Reflect and Evaluate

“Having reflection after every activity can let us evaluate our inadequacies and avoid the same mistakes happen again. During the activities, we can also slightly pull out and ask ourselves if we are on the right track.

Knowing the successful factors of organizing activities, we can ask ourselves what the purposes are of future events but not just for organizing. Therefore, the preparation can be smoother, and not to get lost.”

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