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School Name :

Law Ting Pong Secondary School

Project Name : Orientation Activities for Form 1 students
Number of Core Students  : 4
Project Descriptions : Our initial aim was to train our students to be capable leaders. The remarkable result, as well as the astonishing performances and passion of our students drive us to participate again this year for Tier 3 programme. Thus, this year, we have broader and deeper goals we hope to achieve. Through the programme, we intended to nurture good relationships between students with different forms. We also hope that through organizing programmes and activities for other students across various forms in the school, a stronger bondage among students with various levels can be enhanced and such bondage can be carried forward year by year. It is also hoped that we can expand student-centered learning from academic arena to even Other Learning Experiences in our school, in which our fellow staff and teachers transform from instructors to facilitators in activities organized. Most importantly, we hope that our students, no matter in knowledge, skills or values, can progress from receivers to givers to creators and finally as promoters. With such big aims in mind, we started to target the S1 Orientation Programme as our Tier 3 Student-LED Project Programme and plan with our Tier 3 students.

Students Workshop :

Project Prospects :
  • Investigating the possibility in expanding student-led activities from only community services and S1 Orientation to other OLE areas in our school such as Prefect Body and Houses.
  • Broadening our Tier 2 programme from primary school in Tai Po to other primary schools in Hong Kong. In such a way, we hope to nurture more and more capable leaders for tomorrow and have our school torch passed on and on.
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :

Project Teacher
Never underestimate students’ capabilities

“We are amazed by their proactiveness, clear organisation, as well as creativity during planning and recruitment. Their experiences in Tier 2 in using innovative ways and communicable language with primary students were carried forward to planning a truly attractive and fun program for our S1 students, which are even better than how we teachers would have planned. Thus, we believe what we once learnt again is that although monitoring is necessary, we need to have utmost confidence and faith in our kids to have them take charge of the program.”

Core Members
Inspire a shared vision “At the beginning of the plan, our shared vision was set to let the S.1 students have a better understanding of the school. We would also like to promote the concepts that we learnt from organising activities to our fellow schoolmates. Therefore, if our vision was consistent, we would be more united and concerted efforts, the efficiency would also be increased.”
Enable others to act

“Whenever we had discussions or activities planning, we would explain directly to the school authorities, in order to let everyone have the opportunities for participation and performance.”

Encourage the heart

“In the training held in July, when our event organisers designed excellent activities, we would praise to encourage them, so that they have a clearer mind of design, planning more good activities.”

Model the way

“During the event and training, we would set a good example of actively involved, so that other students can also experience engaging in activities was not just engaging in activities, but to engage in the idea of learning.”

* More schools learning reflection