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School Name :

Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School

Project Name : 思健關愛齊共融  閱讀才藝展歡容 (English translation: Care for Mental Health)
Number of Core Students  : 15
Project Descriptions :
The “Health in Mind Club” was newly established by the school with an aim to help students learn the importance of mental health and how to maintain and treasure their mental health. Students promoted the importance of awareness of mental health among the whole school through communicating with the mentally disabled rehabilitant, so that students will be able to maintain mental health. Students would carry out activities at the school to help other students understand more about the mentally disabled rehabilitant, with a view to fostering their empathy and positive attitude towards the mentally disabled rehabilitant. Meanwhile, students were allowed to develop active and positive attitudes towards healthy life: To own a healthy life.

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :
Through this project, we have gained more insight into the importance of mental health and have spread the positive messages out.

Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection
Project Teacher
To design an activity that provides students with an opportunity to learn.
“After considering Professor Ko’s advice and listening to other teachers’ sharing during this activity, I realized that in designing any kind of activity, an objective should first be established and emphasis should be put on students’ involvement to facilitate their success, initiative and sharing. Students should be allowed to realize what they have learnt through effective reflection.”
“Throughout the activity, we observe growth in students. They have demanded more of themselves and have learnt to appreciate fellow students’ strengths, delegate tasks effectively, cooperate with each other and develop a sense of commitment. We also witnessed that students no longer gave up easily in face of difficulties. Instead, they managed to deal with the difficulties with calm and devise an appropriate revised scheme to facilitate the smooth completion of this project. Upon completion of this project, students even learnt to apply the established evaluation criteria to assess the effectiveness of this project by examining whether the set objectives were achieved. This will allow a similar project to be run more perfectly in the future. Such learning outcome was most desired by the teachers. In the days to come, I would like to extend my knowledge gained from this project to more kinds of school activities in order to develop a desirable and effective reflective culture among schools.”

Core Members
Communication and compromise; Secrets of leadership
“Being the little mentor of the core group or the leader of the club, one should direct the students to initiate negotiations on various aspects and devise appropriate policies. For example, in discussing the games to be run during the “Health Week”, as some students considered booth games to be more fun while others preferred  exhibition panels which required easier setting and less workload, there was a disagreement between such two parties. At this moment, the chairman called for a “pause” of the discussion to calm down the participants. He reminded them to take some factors into consideration such as the time required for the material production and the space limitation. Fortunately, the students were able to make a relatively feasible decision finally.”
To enhance self-confidence: Transfer experience
“The members of the core group from Health in Mind steered students to think and assisted them in writing a playscript. Such members were required to possess three qualifications in order to lead students. First was self-confidence. Second was their own experience, because if the core group had participated in similar activities within the previous two years, they could share their experience of stage skills and scripts creation. Third was communication skill. Only by possessing these three qualifications could a member effectively guide Secondary 2 students to complete this activity.

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