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School Name :

Gertrude Simon Lutheran College

Project Name : 復活兔歡樂大派對 (English translation: Easter Bunny Party)
Number of Core Students  : 9
Project Descriptions :
We hope that students can have the opportunity to participate in various activities. By understanding the lifestyle of primary students, students can experience self-regulated learning. We also expect more inspiration from activities in order to improve the school-based OLE policy

Students Workshop :

Our Learning Goals :

  • To understand the lifestyle of primary students
  • To have a better understanding of the bitterness of being a teacher
  • To understand the process of organizing an activity
Poster Presentation Day :

Our Reflection :
Project Teacher
Critical thinking
“Members demonstrated in the meetings the capability of thinking critically, contributing to the discussions with sensible ideas and showing gentle respect to one another.”

Core Members
“The most impressive incident happened on the day when the activity was held. When we were planning, we thought that the activity would be run smoothly for sure. However, the reality was so cruel that it ruined our imagination ruthlessly. Fortunately, we were able to resolve the problems at last. From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt a number of lessons. I will make sure that I have two strings to my bow when I participate in or even plan for any activity in the future in order to avoid the same mistake.”
To accumulate experience through practice
“From this Student-LED project, I deeply understood the implication of the statement ‘only those who can run have the experience of falling down’ (Rabindranath Tagore: His Life and Work). Not until the day when the activity was held did we realize the insufficiencies of our plan and the discrepancy between our imagination and the reality. For instance, we imagined that Primary 2 and 3 students could understand the meaning of the ‘Hunger Banquet’ and would be pleased to have the banquet, yet the situation went the other way round. Therefore, if there was no practice, we might not have the opportunity to encounter problems and accumulate experience; or to learn from reflection. Finally, I am glad to have the opportunity to participate in this project, which allowed me to become a learning experience designer and acquire the knowledge out of the classroom. As the saying goes, ‘Travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books’.”
Enhancement of sense of involvement
“In this project, we learnt that preparing and organizing an activity required a flexible and detailed plan and complementarities among team members…. Why did we learn all these? It was because our sense of involvement increased, which made us enjoy the whole process. More importantly, we kept reflecting throughout the process, adjusted the direction and learnt accordingly. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who brought us back on track whenever we felt lost.”

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