Notes on Genres - Exposition


To put forward a position on or an understanding of a subject matter and to provide the supporting analysis, argument or evidence.

Schematic Structure

Direction ^ Statement of Position ^ Arguments [1-n] ^ Reinforcement of Position


2012 DSE 1B Q1c, 2012 DSE 1B Q3a(ii), 2012 DSE 1B Q6c, 2012 DSE 1B Q7b(ii), 2012 DSE 1B Q9b(i), 2012 DSE 1B Q9b(ii), 2013 DSE 1B Q3b(iii), 2013 DSE 1B Q8a(ii), 2013 DSE 1B Q10c(ii)

Common vocabulary and sentence patterns used in setting questions

Genre Structure and language features

Schematic Structure Contents and Functions Language features

Statement of Position

The first sentence gives a thematic statement (macro theme) and states the position or what is believed to be the case.

Modal verbs "is", "would be", "should be" or "agree / disagree..." to bring out the position


Present the logic, evidence or analysis to argue for the position or idea.

Causal conjunctions such as "because", "due to", Additive conjunction "i.e."  to bring out the supporting reason

Reinforcement of Position

To reinforce the position by concluding from the arguments presented

Causal conjunctions such as "thus" to bring out the result / conclusion

Example of Exposition writing (Source: HKEAA 2012 DSE 1B Q1c)

Cappuccino is an Italian style coffee topped with a layer of frothy milk (Figure 1.1).

Frothy milk is made by bubbling steam through milk, which is held in a metallic jug (Figure 1.2).  Steam is ejected from the steam wand of a cappuccino machine (Figure 1.3).

  1. Calculate the total amount of heat released when 20 g of steam at 110°C cools to 100°C and condenses to water at 100°C.
  2. 20 g of steam at 110°C is bubbled through 200 g of milk at 15°C to make frothy milk. Using the result in (a), estimate the temperature of the frothy milk.
  3. Would the actual temperature of frothy milk be higher than, equal to or lower than the value found in (b)? Explain. (2 marks)

The actual temperature of the milk would be lower than the value found in (b). It is because some energy will be lost to the surroundings including the air and the jug. Thus, the actual temperature will be lower than that found in (b).

Analysis of Exposition writing

Schematic Structure Text Linguistic Features

Statement of Position

The actual temperature of the milk would be lower than the value found in (b).

The first sentence gives a thematic statement (macro theme) and states the position that the actual temperature of the milk is lower than the value found in (b).


It is because some energy will be lost to the surroundings including the air and the jug.

Causal conjunction "because" brings out the argument.

Material process "including" brings out examples of "surroundings" as evidence.

Reinforcement of Position

Thus, the actual temperature will be lower than that found in (b).

Causal conjunction "thus" brings out the result to reinforce the position and draw a conclusion.