Instructional Design - Causal Explanation

Causal Explanation (CE) Writing is to explain how something occurs or why such phenomenon happens. Usually it details the various stages and explains the causes for the relevant change(s) involved in an event.

Teaching Plan

Level Secondary 6
Genre Causal Explanation
Topics α, β & γ Radiations
Key points Teaching Activities Learning & Teaching Materials

Introducing the genre "Causal Explanation" (CE)
(25-30 min)

  • Invite students to answer Q1 for assessing their CE writing skills. (Note: Students can answer Q1 at home before the lesson.)
  • Introduce the schematic structure and language features of CE writing with the answer of Q1.
  • Ask students to deconstruct CE writing with Q2 answer for assessing their understanding of the schematic structure of CE writing.

Re-constructing sentences
(20-25 min)

  • Group Discussion: Inviting students to re-constructing sentences with Q3 answer for consolidating their understanding of CE genre.

CE writing
(15-20 min)

  • Group Discussion/Individual Exercise:
    Ask students to answer Q4 either in groups or individual.

Note: Teacher could collect students' writings for further discussion.