Course Code: CSD020240594

Course title: Trends in Hong Kong Accounting Practices 2024 (Refreshed)
Date of event: 10 July 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1 “Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data on the Accounting Profession” (Mr. Clive YIP, Director, Asia Audit Data Analytics, Manulife)

Course Code: CSD020240572

Course title: Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) – Digital Stock Trading Guru Workshop for Teachers (Re-run)
Date of event: 18 June 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1 “Introducing Digital Stock Trading Guru (DSTG) board game” (Representatives from Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC))

Part 2 “Sharing of Using Digital Stock Trading Guru in Teaching” (Ms. CHAN Tsz Yau, Ava, CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School)

Course Code: CSD020240571

Course title: Sharing of “Assessment for Learning” in the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum (Re-run)
Date of event: 12 June 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1 “Assessment for Learning” in BAFS” (Prof. Christina YU, Professor (Practice), Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong)

Course Code: CSD020240472

Course title: Cultivating Students’ Digital Financial Literacy (Seminar 3) (New)
Date of event: 6 June 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1 “Financial Literacy in a Post-COVID Environment” (Prof. Christina YU, Professor (Practice), Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong)

Part 2 “Sharing of Results of the Latest “Teen Money Management Survey”" (Mr. Kit WONG, Director, Education and Training, The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants)

Course Code: CSD020240173

Course title: Personal Financial Planning at Different Life Stages (New) Online Course
Date of event: 30 May 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

“Personal Financial Planning at Different Life Stages” (Mr YUEN Siu-pong, Collins, Agent Representative, Prudential Hong Kong Limited)

Course Code: CSD020240172

Course title: Coping with New Trends in the Workplace from the Perspective of Human Resources Management (New) Online Course
Date of event: 14 May 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

“Coping with New Trends in the Workplace” (Mr Francis WONG, Former Cluster General Manager, Human Resources, Hospital Authority)

Course Code: CSD020230622

Course title: BAFS Thematic Seminar (6) : Design Thinking in Business (Online Seminar) (New)
Date of event: 7 May 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

“Design Thinking for Service Excellence” (Mr. David CHUNG, Founder of InnoEdge Consulting and Education)

Course Code: CSD020240116

Course title: Planning and Teaching of Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum and Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level (Refreshed)
Date of event: 11 March 2024

Part 1 “Curriculum Planning and Implementation: Latest development of the Technology Education (TE)” (Curriculum Development Officer, EDB)

Part 2 Planning and Teaching of Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum (including Business Learning Elements) at Junior Secondary Level at WSCSS (Ms NGAI Yuen-ming, Vice-principal (Academic), Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School)

Teaching of Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level – S3 Economics & Society (Ms CHEUNG Suk-man, Florence, Panel Head of Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School)

Course Code: CSD020240114

Course title: RCEP Challenges and Opportunities for Hong Kong – Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Online Course) (New)
Date of event: 30 January 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Topic: “Hong Kong’s Export Challenges and Opportunities in Heightened Uncertainty” (Mr. Louis CHAN, Deputy Director of HKTDC Research)

Course Code: CSD020230543

Course title: Business, Accounting and Financial Studies “Firm Visit”: Smart Business Innovation Centre (New)
Date of event: 9 January 2024

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Debriefing: “Linking to Learning and Teaching of BAFS” (Curriculum Development Officer, Technology Education Section, CSD)

Course Code: CSD020240174

Course title: Sharing Session on Learning and Teaching Strategies for New Teachers of Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) (New)
Date of event: 13 November 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Business Management Strand
Part 1: Mr SHUM Chun-yip, Danny Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)
Part 2: Ms Szeto Suet-ping, Cheung Chuk Shan College

Accounting Strand
Part 3: Mr HO Siu-kwong, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School
Part 4: Ms Echo CHAN, PLK Vicwood KT Chong Sixth Form College

Course Code: CSD020230524

Cultivating Students’ Digital Financial Literacy (Seminar 1) (New)
Date of event: 13 October 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “Preparing for Cashless Society” (Mr. Emil CHAN, The FinTech Committee Chairman, Smart City Consortium)

Part 2:“Defend Against Cyber Frauds and Scams” (Mr. Lester Ip, Chief Inspector of Police, Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB), Hong Kong Police Force)

Course Code: CSD020230379

Financial Education “Teacher & Student” Series: Brief Probe into Digital Assets and Related Risk Management (New)
Date of event: 7 July 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Topic: “Brief Probe into Digital Assets and Related Risk” (Representatives from Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF))

Course Code: CSD020230396

Trends in Hong Kong Accounting Practices 2023 (Refreshed)
Date of event: 5 July 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “Sustainability standards and requirements in businesses” (Ms. Melissa FUNG, Partner, Risk Advisory Southern Region Leader, Deloitte China)

Part 2:“Climate change - risks and opportunities” (Mr. Albert LEE, Partner, Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young)

Course Code: CSD020230382

BAFS Thematic Seminar (5) : Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Practice
Date of event: 29 June 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part1:“The Role of Social Enterprises of Scientific Research in the field of Gerontechnology” (Mr. Richard LEUNG, CEO & Co-Founder, BNET-TECH Company Limited)

Part2:“My entrepreneurial journey” (Mr. Enders LAM, Chairman, Time Industrial Manufactory Limited)

Course Code: CSD020230328

Personal Financial Planning at the Pre/Post-retirement Stages (New) Online Course
Date of event: 9 June 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Topic: “Happy Retirement — 4 Ways of Creating Lifelong Retirement Income 退而不「憂」— 自製長糧四大妙法” (Ms Joey Lai, Head of Consumer Education Division, Consumer Council)

Course Code: CSD020230284

BAFS Thematic Seminar (4) : Hong Kong’s Virtual Bank Business Model and The Development of Fintech
Date of event: 28 April 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Topic: “Hong Kong’s Virtual Bank Business Model and The Development of Fintech” (Ms Alice TSANG, Assistant Principal Economist (Greater China Research Team), Hong Kong Trade Development Council)

Course Code: CSD020230182

Cultivating Students’ Financial Values and Introduction of “Stock Trading Guru” to Learn Financial Knowledge (Online Seminar) (New)
Date of event: 14 March 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: (1)“The importance of financial literacy for Teen’s futures and the adoption of gamification to enhance students’ knowledge about money and financial management” (Prof YU Wai-mui Christina, Professor of the Social Sciences Department, The Education University of Hong Kong), & (2): “Cultivating students’ financial literacy through curriculum planning and implementation in school” (Mr TAI Ming-kee, Chairperson of Hong Kong Association for Business Education)

Part 2: (1) “Introduction of the Digital Stock Trading Guru: competition format, rules and arrangement” (Representatives from Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC)), (2) : “Experience sharing on using Digital Stock Trading Guru in secondary schools_(1)” (Mr LEE Ka-wai, SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School ), & (3): “Experience sharing on using Digital Stock Trading Guru in secondary schools_(2)” (Ms Teresa CHEUNG, Sing Yin Secondary School)

Course Code: CSD020220293

Planning and Teaching of Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum and Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level (New) (hybrid course)
Date of event: 3 March 2023

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part1:“The implementation of TE KLA curriculum (including business learning elements) through holistic curriculum planning at junior secondary level” (Mr POON Hing-fai, Chief Project Manager (Strategic Planning for School-level Implementation) of Technology Education Section, EDB; Curriculum Development Officer of Technology Education Section, EDB)

Part2:“Planning and Teaching of Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum and Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level” (WONG Chi-wai, Raymond, Principal; Mr NG Kwun-ming, James, Technology Education Subject Panel Head, Technology Education Coordinator, IT and AV Panel Head; Ms YU Lai-hing, Technology Education Subject Panel Head (Junior), HMSC Subject Panel Head; Mr CHOW Yuet-wei, BAFS Subject Panel Head, Lock Tao Secondary School)

Part3:“第三學習階段科技教育學習領域課程規劃及跨學科學習活動─科技教育活動日” (Mr CHEUNG Sai-yiu, Ms CHOI Yuk-yu, Mr LI Seung-chi, Ms SZETO Mei-yin, Technology Education Section of Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School)

Course Code: CSD020220227

Trade and Investment Between GBA and ASEAN and the Roles of Hong Kong - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (New) Online Course
Date of event: 15 December 2022

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Topic:“Trade and Investment Between GBA and ASEAN and the Roles of Hong Kong ” (Mr. Billy WONG, Deputy Director of Research, Hong Kong Trade Development Council)

Course Code: CDI020220192

Financial Education “Teacher & Student” Series: Artificial Intelligence, Business Ethics and Consumer Alerts (New) (Online Course)
Date of event: 8 November 2022

Related course materials are attached here for teachers’ reference:

Part 1 “Foster Ethical Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce” (Christy Li, Senior Planning and Trade Practices Officer, Consumer Council), & (2) “Smart Online Shopping Tips” (Joey Lai, Head of Consumer Education Division, Consumer Council)

Course Code: CDI020221598

Introduction of EDB Online Resource Materials to Support Students’ Business Learning in Secondary Schools (New) (Online Course)
Date of event: 27 Sept 2022

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “Introduction of EDB Online Resource Materials to Support Students’ Business Learning and Experience Sharing of Using EDB” (Curriculum Development Officers, EDB)

Part 2: (1)“如何在企業會財課程框架內自然連繫國家安全教育”(Mr. WONG Wai-kit, Paul, Lions College), (2) “運用教育局及其他資源以支援學生商業學習的經驗分享”(Mr. SHUM Chun-yip, Danny, Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)), & (3) “Experience Sharing of Using EDB and Other Resources to Support Students’ Business Learning”(Mr. HSIAO Chun Mo, Moses, Ning Po No. 2 College)

Course Code: CDI020220799

Understanding the Latest Developments in Finance and Stock Market (New) Online Course
Date of event: 3 Aug 2022

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “Financial & Securities Market Development: From Traditional to Virtual” (Mr. Bruno Lee, Guest Lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Former Chairman of the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association)

Part 2: “Banking Transformation – From Traditional to the Virtual Bank”(Mr. Kenny Cheng, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, WeLab Bank)

Part 3: “Stock Market: ESG and Sustainable Investing”(Mr. Anthony Cheung, Board Governor and Green Finance Convenor, Friends of the Earth (HK))

Course Code: CDI020221509

Experience Sharing in Promoting Financial Education at Junior Secondary Level (New) (online course)
Date of event: 2 Aug 2022

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “初中理財教學分享”(Ms SZETO Mei-yin, Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School) & “Experience sharing on cultivating financial literary”(Ms SIU Yee-chun, Theresa, St. Clare’s Girls’ School)

Part 2: “The HKICPA Initiatives in Promoting Financial Literacy among School Students”(Mr. Jonathan NG, Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants)

Part 3: “Introduction of EDB Online Resource Materials to Support the Learning and Teaching of Financial Education”(Curriculum Development Officer Technology Education Section, CDI)

Course Code: CDI020220786

Trends in Hong Kong Accounting Practices 2022 and Entrepreneurship in Practice (New)
Date of event: 27 July 2022

Related course materials are attached below for teachers' reference:

Part 1: “Business Decisions in Crisis”(Mr. Vincent Leung, Senior Accounting Manager – Asia Pacific, Under Armour)

Part 2: “Digital assets industry - From Blockchain to NFTs and Metaverse”(Mr. Andy Yiu, Head of Corporate Finance, BOA Financial Group & Co-founder, BOAX Limited)

Course Code: CDI020220782

Enriching Students’ Learning in Business and National Security Education Through Curriculum Planning and Implementation (Refreshed) Online Course
Date of event: 15 Dec 2021

Course Code: CDI020210243

Course title: Enriching Students’ Business Learning Experience Through Curriculum Planning and Implementation at Junior Secondary Level (Refreshed)
Date of event: 17 Aug 2021

Course Code: CDI020211385

Course title: Hong Kong Financial and Cost Accounting in Practice and Trends in Accounting Practices (Refreshed)
Date of event: 7 July 2021

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Uses of Cost Accounting in Business Decisions with Real-life Examples & Tax Considerations when Making Business Decisions " (Mr. Newton Shum, Lecturer, School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Part 2: " Period-end Adjustments (Bad Debts and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts) " (Dr. Josephine Wong, Teaching Fellow, School of Accountancy and Finance, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Course Code: CDI020210297

Course title: Sharing of Learning and Teaching Strategies for teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) (New) Online Course
Date of event: 24 June 2021

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " How to Use Cross-disciplinary Collaboration to Implement Start-me-up Program? " (Mr SHUM Chun-yip, Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai))

Part 2: " Lesson Sharing on Using Adaptive Blended Learning " (Ms LEUNG Ka-lai, Vicki, Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery)

Part 3: " How to Use e-Learning to Facilitate Students’ Learning " (Ms CHUNG Hiu-ling, Kristy, Heung To Middle School)

Part 4: " Mock Trading Anywhere " (Mr WONG Wai-kit, Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College)

Course Code: CDI020210292

Course title: Sharing of Good Practices on Using e–Learning Platform to Facilitate Student Learning in Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) (New)
Date of event: 26 May 2021

Related course materials are attached here for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Using Microsoft Teams and OneNote to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness in BAFS "

Part 2: " Points to Note When Using Different e-Learning Platforms in Teaching " (Mr HO Siu-kwong & Mr KAN Ka-hei, HK SKH Bishop Hall Secondary School)

Course Code: CDI020210294

Course title: Personal Financial Planning at Different Life Stages (1) -- Common Financial Products for Pre-retirement Financial Planning (Refreshed)
Date of event: 15 April 2021

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: "Pre-retirement Personal Financial Planning" (Mr Man Cheung, Gain Miles Assurance Consultants Limited)

Part 2: "Experience Sharing on Classroom Learning and Teaching" (Ms Lam Wing-yiu, Law Ting Pong Secondary School)

Part 3: "Introduction to Related Learning and Teaching Resources" (Mr Stefan LAM, Investor and Financial Education Council)

Course Code: CDI020210342

Course title: Knowledge Sharing on Personal Financial Planning and Teaching Strategies of Personal Finance at Junior Secondary Level (New)
Date of event: 9 March 2021

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: "Personal financial planning for different life stages" (Mr Chris Tse, Director of Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong)" (Ms. Alice Wong, Chief Financial Officer, Hong Kong Television Network Limited)

Part 2: "Junior secondary financial and business education experience sharing" (Mr Wong Wai Kit, Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College)

Part 3: "Support measures to promote Business Education at junior secondary level" (Mr Stefan Lam, Investor and Financial Education Council)

Course Code: CDI020190407

Course title: Hong Kong Financial and Cost Accounting in Practice (Refreshed)
Date of event: 3 July 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " How robotics and digital development bring value to you as an Accountant" (Ms. Alice Wong, Chief Financial Officer, Hong Kong Television Network Limited)

Part 2: " Inventory valuation" (Dr. Josephine Wong, Lecturer, School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Part 3: " Costing concepts and techniques" (Dr. Wang Joyce Linghua, Senior Lecturer, School of Accountancy, CUHK Business School)

Course Code: CDI020200047

Course title: Sharing Session on Implementing Business and Financial Education in Secondary Schools (New)
Date of event: 25 June 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Sharing the ways of money management in daily life to students" (Mr Yam Wing Hang, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School)

Part 2: " Enriching personal financial planning in secondary school through authentic learning" (Mr Lam Ho Wai Martin and Mr Tse Chi Yuen Carson, HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College)

Part 3: " Financial planning and life cycle" (Mr Law Tin Leung, The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College)

Course Code: CDI020190355

Course title: Sharing of Learning and Teaching Strategies for teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) – Accounting Module (New)
Date of event: 12 June 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Adopting experiential learning activities to enhance students’ learning effectiveness " (Mr. LEE Kin-lim, Concordia Lutheran School – North Point)

Part 2: " Catering for learner diversity through goals setting and graded exercises " (Mr. Martin LAM and Mr. Carson TSE, HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College)

Part 3: " Using questions to stimulate critical thinking " (Mr. LAU Wing-kwan and Mr. LAW Kwok-ting, SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School)

Course Code: CDI020190405

Course title: Holistic Approach to Personal Financial Planning (Re-run)
Date of event: 4 June 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " The need to design a financial plan and the way to build an investment portfolio " (Mr Stefan Lam, Investor and Financial Education Council)

Part 2: " Learning and teaching strategies in teaching personal financial planning at junior secondary level " (Mr CT Kwok, HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 1 Secondary School)

Course Code: CDI020190401

Course title: Effective Use of Learning and Teaching Resource Materials in Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies – Accounting Module (New)
Date of event: 6 June 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Effective Use of Learning and Teaching Resources to Cater for Learner Diversity " (Ms LEUNG Ka-lai, Vicki, Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery)

Part 2: " How to Foster Students’ Deep Learning through IT Tools and Innovative Pedagogy? " (Ms SIU Yee-chun, Theresa, St. Clare’s Girls’ School)

Part 3: " Introduction of Online Resource Materials to Support the Learning and Teaching of BAFS " (Curriculum Development Officer, CDI)

Course Code: CDI020190360

Course title: Enriching Students’ Business Learning Experience Through Curriculum Planning and Implementation at Junior Secondary Level (Refreshed)
Date of event: 30 May 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Curriculum Planning and Teaching of Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level " (Curriculum Development Officer, CDI)The captioned PDP was conducted on 30 May 2019. Part 1 of the course materials were attached below for teachers’ reference.

Course Code: CDI020190404

Course title: Latest Development in Stock Markets (Refreshed)
Date of event: 2 April 2019

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Weighting Voting Rights " (Ms Mary Leung, Mr. Derek Mok, Representatives from the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute CFA)

Part 2: " Learning and Teaching Resources Sharing " (Mr Stefan Lam, Representative from the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC))

Course Code: CDI020190190

Course title: Sharing Session on Implementing Financial Education in Secondary School (New)
Date of event: 6 July 2018

Related course materials are attached here for teachers’ reference.

Part 1: " Teaching and Learning in Financial Education at Junior Secondary Level " (Ms Yuk Cho Man, Valtorta College)

Part 2: " Spiral Learning in Business Education " (Mr Yu Chi Kong, Henrietta Secondary School)

Part 3: " Multiple Perspectives of Financial Education in Secondary school " (Mr Leung Yuet Fai, Stewards Pooi Kei College)

Course Code: CDI020180366

Course title: Hong Kong Financial and Cost Accounting in Practice (Refreshed)
Date of event: 3 July 2018.

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Cloud accounting and accounting automation " (Mr. Lai Fu Kuen, Director, Link-Pro CPA Limited)

Part 2: " Accounting principles and their implications to period-end adjustments " (Ms. Josephine Wong, Lecturer, School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Part 3: " Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis in making business decisions " (Dr. Wang Joyce Linghua, Senior Lecturer, School of Accountancy, CUHK Business School)

Course Code: CDI020180373

Course title: Marketing Research in Practice - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (New)
Date of event: 4 June 2018.

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: Key concepts on marketing research and the latest development trend of the industry (by Dr Jeffrey HUI, Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)

Part 2: Learning and teaching strategies in " Marketing Research " (by Mr Moses Hsiao, Ning Po No. 2 College)

Course Code: CDI020180375

Course title: Curriculum Planning and Teaching of Business Learning Elements at Junior Secondary Level (New)
Date of event: Mar 2018.

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: " Introduction to the updated TEKLA Curriculum – Business Learning Elements at junior secondary level "

Part 2: " Planning business curriculum and teaching business through life-wide learning activities at junior secondary level " (by Ms KONG Suk-man; by Ms TSE Siu-hung, Amy; by Mr Ling Wai Tat, Daniel)

Course Code: CDI020180748

Course title: Sharing Session on Learning and Teaching Personal Finance at Junior Secondary Level (New)
Date of event: 4 Dec 2017.

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: Introduction of learning and teaching resources on personal finance

Part 2: Sharing of classroom experience (1) by Mr Moses Hsiao, Ning Po No. 2 College; (2) by Mr Andrew Yam, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School

Course Code: CDI020170624

Course title: The Importance of Personal Financial Planning - (Re-run)
Date of event: 13 June 2017.

Related course materials are attached here for teachers’ reference.

Part 1: " The need to design a financial plan " (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Part 2: " The way to build an investment portfolio and manage risks " (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Course Code: CDI020170623

Course title: Common Financial Products in Hong Kong – Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Re-run)
Date of event: 16 May 2017.

Related course materials are attached here for teachers’ reference.

Part 1: " An Overview about the Development and Importance of Financial Products in Hong Kong " (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Part 2: " Types and Characteristics of Common Financial Products in Hong Kong " (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Part 3: " Latest Investor Protection Measures " (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Course Code: CDI020170617

Course title: Workshop on Using Board Game in Teaching “Stock Trading as an Investment” (Re-run)
Date of event: 21 Nov 2016 and 13 Dec 2016

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: Sharing of classroom experience in using board game to teach " Stock Trading as an Investment " (by Mr CHAN Wing Chun, Hong Kong Tang King Po College); Sharing of classroom experience in using board game to teach " Stock Trading as an Investment " (by Mr Moses Hsiao, Ning Po No.2 College)

Part 2: Trial learning session on the board game (by Representatives from Investor Education Centre)

Course Code: CDI020170625

Course title: Hong Kong Financial and Cost Accounting in Practice (Refreshed) – Business, Accounting and Financial Studies
Date of event: 5 July 2017.

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: The Accounting Professional of the Future (by Ms Lillian LIANG, Talent Leader, Assurance Asia Pacific, Ernst and Young)

Part 2: Cost Accounting for Decision-making: CVP analysis with linkage with "Make or Buy"(by Mr Simon LEE, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate studies), School of Accountancy, CUHK Business School)

Course Code: CDI020170371

Course title: Workshop on Using Information Technology (IT) to Enhance Student Learning - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) (Re-run)
Date of event: 17 and 25 May 2017

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: Uses of tablets in the learning and teaching of BAFS curriculum (by Mr HO Siu-kwong, HK SKH Bishop Hall Secondary School)

Part 2: Usage of different Apps to enhance learning and teaching of BAFS curriculum (by Apple Education Team)

Course Code: CDI020170315

Course title: Marketing Management in Practice - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (New)
Date of event: 3 July 2017

Related course materials are attached below for teachers’ reference:

Part 1: Marketing and Innovation in Business Sector (by Dr Jeffrey Phoenix HUI, Chairperson, Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)

Part 2: Learning with Marketing Case Studies (by Dr NG Wai-kit, Paul, Lecturer, Business & Management Section, School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong)