「以行求知之旅 - 从理解学习到深化学习」经验分享会 2015







「以行求知之旅 - 从理解学习到深化学习」经验分享会


 「以行求知之旅 - 从理解学习到深化学习」程序表PDF



C01/C06 写作四步曲:导读、导写、导想、导评 (小四、小五) <参考资料及简报>Zip





C02/C07 循序渐进,培养学生的说理能力(小四至小六) <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




C03/C08 阅读教学与自主学习 <参考资料及简报>Zip <内容撮要>PDF





C04/C09 非华语学生中文科校本课程规画与实践──培养小一非华语学生基本语文能力及学习兴趣   
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C05/C10 运用「中国语文课程第二语言学习架构」照顾学习多样性,从阅读中培养自学能力(小五)   
<简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF





E01/E05 Helping cross-boundary students at the starting line of their English language learning journey

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In this sharing session, teachers will share with participants early intervention strategies to cater for the needs of the cross-boundary students. Participants will be shown the conceptions behind and findings of their School’s pre-Primary 1 test and questionnaire survey. Participants will also see how the School supports the cross-boundary students with intensive teacher and peer assistance through summer courses, buddy programs, availability of an array of online teaching and learning materials, effective communication with parents and practical parent-pupil phonics classes. Videos of the parent-pupil phonics lessons and parent interviews and curriculum materials used will also be shared and discussed.


E02/E06 Developing students’ higher order thinking skills in reading for a better transition to secondary schooling

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This sharing session aims to enhance teachers’ understanding of the reading demands encountered by upper primary school students and provide ideas and suggestions on how to foster students’ higher order thinking skills for reading comprehension through various strategies such as explicit teaching of text structures such as problem and solution, modelling of the thinking processes involved in answering questions that require higher cognitive demands, followed by guided practice and independent practice, and using graphic organisers to facilitate the teaching of higher order thinking skills. Videos, student work and school-based teaching and learning materials will be shared to illustrate how the above strategies are implemented in the classroom. (This session is intended for teachers who did not participate in a similar seminar last year.)


E03/E07 Tasting the assessment soup: Making formative use of summative assessments
<Presentation version>PDF <Abstract version>PDF 只有英文版


Different assessment strategies and impact on learning will be discussed. In the seminar, teachers from three schools with different backgrounds and student intake will tell how they modify their learning and teaching strategies to cater for the needs of their students after reviewing how students have learned in class as well as performance in internal and public assessment. Together we will also review the impact of classroom assessment in terms of feedback and follow-up modification and adjustment. We will also explore how to make formative use of summative assessment, such as using the TSA item analysis to understand how students are learning, following subsequent changes in learning and teaching strategies to cater for students’ needs and make improvement.


E04/E08 Exploring the framework, content, and classroom examples for teaching students about global and local issues for a better transition to secondary schooling

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In this sharing session, the officer will help teachers develop their knowledge of what contributes to effective learning and teaching through a range of modules on global and local topics; their own subject knowledge; and their understanding of how to support students in applying the skills in the learning modules. Techniques and materials to stimulate students’ thinking on social, global and cultural issues will be explored. Also, teachers will learn that for students to become competent readers and writers, it involves soliciting useful resources around them for input. (This session is intended for teachers who did not participate in a similar seminar last year.)



M01/M07 第一学习阶段的加减运算──概念建构的纵向发展 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




M02/M08 看得到的思考──从认识学生如何答题,到深化应用题教学   <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF 




M03/M09 配合实作评量之教学举隅──小三、小五及小六在「容量」和「体积」的教学策略分享   

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M04 学生怎样处理「比较类应用题」体验 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




M05 探究长度的纵向课程  <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




M06 初小非华语学生解应用题的纵向发展策略 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




M10 非华语学生在「12和24小时报时制」的认识及应用──教学策略及反思

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M11 四则混合应用题纵向策略发展 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




M12 「乘」胜追击──小二乘法(运算部份)的教学活动 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF


在这节分享会,讲者会向大家讲述在学校实施有关小二乘法 (运算部份) 的教学设计和策略,包括乘法的认识、协助学生熟习乘法表的方法、乘法交换性质及1和0的乘法。



GS01/GS05 运用模型促进学生的科学探究──小学天文教学工作坊 <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




GS02/GS06 应用「平板电脑」优化常识科的「探究式学习」 <第一场简报>PDF<第二场简报>PDF





GS03/GS07 常识科的自学能力发展与单元预习活动  <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF




GS04/GS08 常识科全方位学习──小眼睛看大社区  <简报>PDF <内容撮要>PDF 




修订日期: 2015年4月13日
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