其他學習經歷 - 新修訂內容補充
Other Learning Experiences (OLE) - Supplementary Note for the New Recommendation


「其他學習經歷」 新修訂建議 總課時百分比






In order to achieve the learning objectives of the OLE – providing students with a broad and balanced curriculum with diverse learning experiences to foster whole-person development as well as respect the choice of the majority of schools and their school-based development, the suggested time allocation of OLE is adjusted to 10 to 15% of the total lesson time for the continual enhancement of a balanced development of students through the five areas of OLE (Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development).

Other Learning Experiences New Recommendation for Fine-Turning OLE
Suggested time allocation (in percentage)
Moral and Civic Education 10 - 15%

(For each area, schools have the flexibility
to make adjustments accordingly
upon their existing practices and strengths.)

Community Service
Career-related Experiences
Aesthetic Development
Physical Development

Under the new recommendation, schools are encouraged to have flexible planning of OLE (including time-tabled and non-time-tabled learning time) for students throughout the three years of the NSS education. Besides, schools can make school-based arrangement upon their professional judgment and flexibility in the time allocation of OLE. All along, it is the quality of OLE that matters, rather than the quantity. Schools should facilitate students to deepen and consolidate their own learning through quality reflection so as to nurture students' life-long learning capability and foster their whole-person development. In the implementation of OLE, it is always NOT just about satisfying the suggested percentage of time allocation, due consideration should be given to the overall planning on the expected learning objectives and outcomes of the respective learning experiences.


過往參考資 (*請注意以下的檔案有關「其他學習經歷」的建議課時為15%或以上)
Previous reference (*Please note that the files below are referring to the curriculum time of 15% or above in OLE)
中文版 English Version
Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide
第五A冊 其他學習經歷 — 為每一個學生提供機會
Booklet 5A Other Learning Experiences – Opportunities for Every Student
第五B冊 學生學習概覽 — 彰顯全人發展
Booklet 5B Student Learning Profile – Celebrating Whole-person Development





新學制 — 創建學習故事•為理想啟航
New Academic Structure - Creating Stories of Learning•Composing Personal Dreams
連結 Link
Sharing: From School-based SLP to OEA/SRR


其他學習經歷電子通訊 連結  
NSS Student Handbook: 'Decoding' the New Senior Secondary Curriculum




「其他學習經歷」專業研討學習日2010資源角 連結  
Prof. Edmond Ko, Chairman, Curriculum Development Council - Turning Learning Experiences into Learning
Correct Views of "Other Learning Experiences" and "Student Learning Profile" 
教育局通函第 163/2008 號:新高中課程的「其他學習經歷」及「學生學習概覽」
EDB Circular Memorandum No.163/2008: "Other Learning Experiences" and
"Student Learning Profile" in the New Senior Secondary Curriculum
Eight Misconceptions about "Other Learning Experiences" and "Student Learning Profile"
"Other Learning Experiences": A Catalyst for Whole-person Development
The Role of “Community Service” in the New Senior Secondary (NSS) Curriculum: Kindle the Life of Serving Others
Students telling their own "stories of learning" : A multiple case study on the implementation of "Student Learning Profile"


Report on the seed project 'School-based models in organising
"Other Learning Experiences" and "Student Learning Profile" in SS curriculum' (2005-08)


新高中課程 全人發展之路 – 「其他學習經歷」(家長教育資源) 影片  

更新日期:二零一三年 九月四日
Updated: 4 September 2013

這個網站是為協助教師計劃高中的「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」而設立。建基在學校現有的優勢上,教師可使用這網站內有關的學校例子,以及社區資源去考慮如何更有效地推行「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」。本網站資源的版權屬教育局及相關機構所有,惟學校可下載作教學(非商業及非牟利)及參考用途。如有查詢,請致電2892 6242。

This website is established to help teachers plan the school-based OLE and SLP under the senior secondary curriculum. Building on the existing school practices, teachers could make use of the school examples and community resources as reference to consider how OLE and SLP could be implemented in an effective way. The copyright of the resources hosted in this website is co-owned by EDB and the organisations concerned. Schools could download the materials for learning and teaching (non-commercial and non-profit-making) and reference purpose. For enquiry, please contact us on 2892 6242.