- - 教師培訓資料 Teacher Professional Development Resources - -

12-10-2018 新入職「其他學習經歷」教師及統籌主任培訓(修訂)- 第一部分
Induction Course for New Other Learning Experiences (OLE) Teachers and Coordinators (Refreshed) – Day I
  1. 「其他學習經歷」統籌主任及教師的角色及職責

The Roles and Duties of Other Learning Experiences (OLE) Coordinators and Teachers

    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任(全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer, (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  2. 學校經驗分享(第一部份):聖保羅書院

School’s Practice Sharing (Part I): St. Paul’s College

    王偉豪先生 - 聖保羅書院副校長

Mr Keith WONG - Vice-principal of St. Paul’s College

  3. 籌劃學校活動的一些原則

Some Guiding Principles in Organising School Activities

    陳德恆先生 - 退休中學校長

Mr CHAN Tak-heng - Retired secondary school principal

  4. 「學生學習概覽」的課程規劃

Curriculum Planning of Student Learning Profile (SLP)

    邱霖業先生 - 教育局課程發展主任 (全方位學習)

Mr Chris YAU - Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  5. 學校經驗分享(第二部份):廖寶珊紀念書院

School’s Practice Sharing (Part II): Liu Po Shan Memorial College

    李雪琴女士 - 廖寶珊紀念書院副校長

Ms LEE Suet-kam - Vice-principal of Liu Po Shan Memorial College



Sharing Session on Community Service Projects by Adopting “Student-LED” Approach (Refreshed)
  1. 以「讓學生成為學習經歷設計者」模式推行優質其他學習經歷

Learning to Learn 2+ and Whole-person Development

    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任 (全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  2. 「讓學生成為學習經歷設計者」模式的社會服務如何與工作世界並行發展-「今日公益,明日領袖」個案分享

How “Student-LED” Projects Parallel Those in the World of Work: CLT Case Study

    潘耀堅先生 - 「今日公益.明日領袖」計劃創辦人

Mr Samuel POON - Co-founder of the “Community Leaders of Tomorrow” Programme”

  3. 經驗分享:「讓學生成為學習經歷設計者」模式-社會服務計劃的學生學習成果

Sharing Session: Student’s Learning Outcomes of “Student-LED” Community Service Project”


Good Hope School


Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School



新入職「其他學習經歷」教師及統籌主任培訓(修訂)- 第二部分
Induction Programme for New Other Learning Experiences (OLE) Teachers and Coordinators (Refreshed) – Day II
  1. 如何設計及推行優質「其他學習經歷」- 「讓學生成為學習經歷設計者」模式及優質反思

How to Design and Implement Quality Other Learning Experiences (OLE) – “Student-LED” Approach and Quality Reflection
    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任(全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer, (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  2. 學校經驗分享(第三部份):天主教母佑會蕭明中學

School’s Practice Sharing (Part III):DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School
    郭明英修女 - 天主教母佑會蕭明中學校長

Sr Anita KWOK – Principal of DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School

  3. 全方位學習的支援措施

Support Measures of Life-wide Learning
    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任(全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer, (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  4. 如何以「學生學習概覽」說自己的故事 - 策略及實踐

Telling One’s Own Story with Student Learning Profile (SLP): Strategy and Practice
    邱霖業先生 - 教育局課程發展主任 (全方位學習)

Mr Chris YAU - Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  5. 學校經驗分享(第四部份):迦密中學

School’s Practice Sharing (Part IV): Carmel Secondary School
    李玉怡女士 - 迦密中學升學及就業輔導主任

Ms LEE Yuk-yi – Teacher of Carmel Secondary School

12-12-2018 促進學生自主學習能力系列 (1) 以 Student-LED 模式推行其他學習經歷(新辦)
Enhancing Student's Self-directed Learning Capability Series: (1) Adopting the Student-LED Approach in OLE (New)
  1. 教育範式轉移 - Student-LED 模式

A Paradigm Shift in Education - The Student-LED Approach

    陳銳斌教授 - 香港科技大學工程教育創新中心副主任

Prof Ben CHAN - Associate Director, Center for Engineering Education Innovation, HKUST

  2. 促進學生自主學習能力的策略

Strategies in Enhancing Student's Self-Directed Learning Capability

    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任(全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  3. 學校經驗分享

Sharing of School Experience

    馬天俊先生 - 聖嘉勒女書院課外活動主任

Mr MA Tin-chun - ECA Master, St. Clare Girls' School



優質反思系列:(1) 如何促進學生在其他學習經歷的深層學習及透過電子平台協助學生反思體驗工作坊(新辦)
Quality Reflection Series: (1) Hands-on Workshop on How to Foster Students' Deep Learning in OLE and Facilitate Quality Reflection through IT Platfom (New)
  1. 學生在其他學習經歷中的反思

Student's Reflection in Other Learning Experiences (OLE)

    張詠珊女士 - 教育局課程發展主任 (全方位學習)

Ms Susanna CHEUNG - Curriculum Development Officer (Life-wide Learning), EDB

  2. 學校分享及體驗示範:透過電子平台促進學生反思

School Sharing and Hands-on Practice: Facilitate Quality Reflection through IT Platforms


Mr CHAN Lap-lai (Head of Career Team), Ms MAK Hoi-yee (Deputy Head of Career Team), Mr CHUI Chak-lam (Coordinator of IT), Ms LI Man-ming (Coordinator of Pioneer and Entrepreneurship), Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School


2017-2018 年度資料
2016-2017 年度資料
2015-2016 年度資料
2014-2015 年度資料
2013-2014 年度資料
2012-2013 年度資料
2010-2011 年度資料
2009-2010 年度資料
2008-2009 年度資料
2007-2008 年度資料
2006-2007 年度資料


這個網站是為協助教師計劃高中的「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」而設立。建基在學校現有的優勢上,教師可使用這網站內有關的學校例子,以及社區資源去考慮如何更有效地推行「其他學習經歷」和「學生學習概覽」。本網站資源的版權屬教育局及相關機構所有,惟學校可下載作教學(非商業及非牟利)及參考用途。如有查詢,請致電2892 6242。

This website is established to help teachers plan the school-based OLE and SLP under the senior secondary curriculum. Building on the existing school practices, teachers could make use of the school examples and community resources as reference to consider how OLE and SLP could be implemented in an effective way. The copyright of the resources hosted in this website is co-owned by EDB and the organisations concerned. Schools could download the materials for learning and teaching (non-commercial and non-profit-making) and reference purpose. For enquiry, please contact us on 2892 6242.