「以行求知 — 教学多元化‧学习无界限」经验分享会 2017
年份 |
内容/ 学习领域 |
题目及相关资料 |
2017 |
「以行求知 — 教学多元化‧学习无界限」经验分享会 |
程序表 |
场刊/前言 |
中文 |
培育创造力、激发写作兴趣 ─ 高小「创意写作」课程规划与设计 <简报> 教师按年级说明教科书内创意写作的题目及该校的取舍标准,然后介绍学校在该年级所设置的创意写作和运用的创意策略,如:「创意解难法」、「创意五力」、「奔驰法」和「SCUMPS」等,并附学生作品作为学习显证。为了详细说明该校创意写作的设计和实施的情形,教师以四年级〈谷仓里黄鼠狼的结局〉的写作设计为例。
C02/C09 自主学习与初小读写课堂的学与教策略(小二、小三) <简报> 两所分享学校初小中文科教师从科本层面探究有效提升学生「自主学习」能力的学与教策略。在阅读课堂上,教师运用「预测」、「关键词」、「自我提问」、「图像」等策略,让学生掌握在何时、何地以及为何使用各种学习策略,然后迁移能力于写作中,协助学生从「自主学习」的「观察阶段」发展至「模仿阶段」。 |
语文和思维关系密切,思维训练和语文学习应与听说读写活动紧密结合。分享会上,圣罗撒学校的老师将透过课堂片段及学生习作,分享她们如何运用图像组织、提问和相互教学法以提升学生的阅读能力,并培养学生的思维素质。 |
C04/C11 提兴趣学新知 ─ 活用图书教学,提升非华语学生语文能力及学习兴趣 <简报> 宝安商会温浩根小学将会分享如何在课堂教学中落实「中国语文课程第二语言学习架构」,通过进行图书教学,运用多元化教学策略,营造趣味盎然的语文学习环境,提升小二非华语学生的语文能力及学习中文的兴趣。
C05/C12 从说话开始 ─ 以说促思,以说促写 <简报> 学校希望在小二开始加强课堂说话教学的元素,以提升学生的说话能力。计划中,我们先尝试配合写作加入合适的说话活动,如接龙说故事、小组交谈、话剧对话等。这不但提升了学生的说话能力,更刺激学生的创作意念,丰富想象。二年级学生经过一年的计划,轻易从段落的写作过渡到篇章写作。分享会中将与同工分享其中的策略。 |
C06/C13自主阅读课堂学习 ─ 小四小说单元教学 <简报> 学校以KWL及TSAE展示小说阅读课堂的规画。TSAE包括:设计有意义的课业(Task)、提供适量的自主(Autonomy)、教师和同侪的支持(Support)及学生参与评估(Evaluation)。透过课堂影片、课业等资料,教师验证自主学习有助激发学生对内容的探讨,从而提升学生阅读文学作品的兴趣。 |
C07/C14創設愉快的中國語文課堂學習(小四) <简报> 在分享会上,圣公会荣真小学的老师将以不同的教学例子,分享如何透过创设情境、设计多元的教学策略、融入戏剧教学元素等方式,为学生创设愉快的中国语文课堂学习。为了作更具体的阐述,老师会以动物描写教学作详细说明,分享如何在教学上设计「开心画画看」、「跳出框框,写我深情」、「猜猜我是谁」等点子,提升学习趣味。 |
英文 |
E01/E07 Developing a School-based Speaking
Curriculum: Conceptions and Practices <Presentation version> The mastery of speaking skills could
render students a better head start on academic success and workplace
achievement. Recently, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School has been
revamping their school-based speaking skill curriculum. Teachers have
attributed the success to 4 curriculum conceptions and practices. They are:
developing a speaking skill framework responding to student interests and
needs; integrating deliberate and ample speaking practices; incorporating
feedback for improvement; and integrating the four language skills. Speakers
will explain to audience details of their experience with videos and T&L
materials. |
E02/E08 Revisiting a Vertical Framework for the Writing Curriculum:
A Closer Look at What Makes or Breaks Its Implementation <Presentation version> The sharing sessions last year on
revamping the school-based writing curriculum were well-received as the
participants obtained some concrete ideas about how to develop a vertical
framework. However, our experience has told us that using the framework alone
is not sufficient. Teachers from three schools have found a number of
classroom practices very crucial in making the framework work. In the sharing
session this year, the whats and hows of developing students' writing skills with the use
of a vertical writing framework will be revisited, but more emphasis will be
placed on effective strategies and practices that teachers should adopt to
help maximize the use of the framework.
E03/E09 Realizing the Potential of Project Learning
in the English Language Education KLA <Presentation version> Teachers at Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui) would like to share with audience how they have infused various elements, such as life-wide learning, self-learning, task-based learning and flipped classroom, into a P.5 project. The purpose is to promote the integrative use of language skills and strategies, encourage independent learning and arouse students’ interest in English learning. Teachers will talk about: (i) textbook adaptation, particularly ways to make project learning a natural extension of classroom teaching, (ii) scaffolding steps used to promote learning; (iii) the use of differentiated tasks to cater for learner diversity.
E04/E10 A Splendid Spin: Revamping
and Enriching the Current Book-based and Text-based Curriculum to Fit in the
Framework of the English Language Curriculum for Effective Learning<Presentation version> The strong belief in the benefits of a reading-based curriculum has motivated the teachers of HKMLC Wong Chan Sook Ying Memorial School to build their English curriculum around story books and authentic texts. They will share with audience how they revamped their curriculum through selecting and sequencing the teaching materials and building the whole curriculum through a careful scaffolding of learning tasks. The last part of the sharing will include suggestions on how these interesting materials could fit in to the context where textbooks are used.
E05/E11 Enhanced Interface: Making
Connection of English Language Learning Across Key Stages<Presentation version> Enhancing a smooth transition from various key phases in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools is key to ensuring positive impact on student learning. The lack of appropriate cross-phase links in English language learning may lead to demotivation and negative impact on student performance. The gap widens as they make progress across key stages. Three schools will share their experiences in facilitating the interface from kindergarten to primary schools, using assessment data to narrow the English Language learning gap from KS1 to KS2, and preparing students to transfer from primary to secondary schools.
E06/E12 Writing Across the
Curriculum: Getting Started <Presentation version> Teachers from Farm Road Government Primary
School have identified effective strategies to promote writing as well as
stimulate students' thinking on social, global and cultural issues. Students
have learned that becoming a competent writer involves knowing and
understanding the forms, functions and features of writing. They help
students to establish meaningful links among local, global contexts and
themselves; positive values and attitudes and world knowledge. There are some
flavorful ways teachers have tried in spicing up their writing in the
classroom. These will be shared in the session. |
数学 |
M01/M06互动与探究──应用电子学习于小四的「周界」及「面积」 <简报> 基督教香港信义会深信学校和旅港开平商会学校的老师认为电子学习能促进数学课堂的互动性,以及提升探究活动的成效。他们选择了四年级「周界」及「面积」的一些课堂进行研讨,期望藉这次研讨经验,深入探讨结合了电子学习元素的数学课堂有甚么优点及需要关注之处,从而协助学校推动电子学习在数学科的发展。
M02/M07 数学课程的思考、思考的数学课程──学生解答应用题,学的是甚么? <简报> 以三年级学习单位「四则计算」为例,学生除了学会计算法则外,便是解答应用题。然而,教授此单位所需的课时比重不轻,到底学生解答应用题,学的是甚么?两所学校的老师将会分享他们发展校本应用题思考教学的成果,以响应此问题。与此同时,他们亦会分享过程中运用互联平板计算机应用软件进行互动学习的经验。
M03/M08 照顾学习多样性之校本课堂设计──第二学习阶段「周界」和「面积」的教学策略分享
<简报> 如何照顾学生学习的多样性,一直是教师们讨论的焦点,「差异化教学」的理念,正能回应这关注点。沙田循道卫理学校的数学老师们,尝试在教学中加入各种照顾学生学习多样性的具体方法,在课堂内落实施行,并进行课堂研讨,不断优化课堂教学,提升学与教效能。 |
M04/M09从教学策略和学习经历看探究式学习──小六「容量和体积」 <简报> 彩云圣若瑟小学与大家分享最近两届六年级学生,透过探究式学习来探索「容量和体积」的过程,当中牵涉教学策略和学生学习经历。学校因应照顾能力较佳学生的学习需要,在第二年引入「5E教学模式」,这模式能否提升学生的思维层次呢?老师会透过课堂录像片段及学生习作,与大家分析当中的结果与成效。 |
M05/M10 非华语学生学习异分母分数加、减法 <简报> 本环节会探讨非华语学生学习异分母分数加、减法的困难,并讲述学校老师怎样帮助学生学习,减轻他们的运算负担,令学习较有成效。整个教学编排,是要巩固学生的已有知识,让学生反复运用基本计算技巧,解决新问题,从而巩固所学。老师发现当学生学得容易,觉得自己有能力应付计算题和应用题时,便会乐于尝试解题。
常识 |
GS01/GS05 STEM专题研习工作坊──两所学校引入计算机编程的经验 <简报> 「STEM教育」这个词汇起初源自美国,却已发展至全球对应科技新世代挑战的策略。香港学校近年也循这个方向作出各式的尝试。本环节探讨STEM教育的发展和其引申意义,阐释两所学校在常识科引进相关专题研习的经验,并分享学生如何藉计算机编程尝试解难,以促进他们综合和应用知识与技能的能力。 |
GS02/GS06 常识科单元教学的自学活动与课堂跟进策略 <简报> 近年来各科致力发展学生自学能力,以「探究式学习」为主要教学取向的常识科亦不例外,「如何跟进课前的自学活动」遂成为老师的关注问题。本场次的分享学校参考翻转教室的教学模式,在高年级单元教学拟定课前的自学活动,并在课堂中设置跟进活动。分享内容重点:(一) 自学活动的实施与 (二) 课堂中跟进自学活动的策略。
GS03/GS07 老友记与你话当年 ─ 口述历史教学设计在常识科的应用 <简报> 保良局田家炳小学运用了多元学习经历,从四年级课题「昔日的香港」设计了口述历史教学活动,鼓励学生主动探究昔日香港的人与事。透过与「老友记」笑中有泪的互动交流,为小学生开启探索历史的「时光之门」,寻找由学者所编写的「大历史」中被遗留的民间「小历史」,为历史「补白」,初步建构小学生对香港本土历史的概念。 |
GS04/GS08 在常识科应用设计循环开展高小STEM教育 <简报> 学校积极开展STEM教育时,当中可能遇到不少的疑惑,如STEM教育与科学探究有什么分别?工程教育如何在小学开展?本分享会藉与圣公会灵爱小学的协作经验,利用设计循环开展高小STEM教育,分别是四年级的太阳能车、五年级的手提吸麈机及六年级的水火箭,阐释如何透过这些专题发展学生创意及解难的共通能力。